Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Double post today wow!

Linda and Joseph have left for Kyoto; the sound of their voices and laughter have started to dissipate slowly as well as the bad smell they brought along with them to our apartment as the days pass by. I think it’s been three days now. Wonder how they’re doing. So many people leaving us this week, it’s kind of putting me in a sadish mood just thinking about it. First Linda and Joseph, then Yuuko and within the next few months a bunch of teachers are going to be leaving with a new batch coming. nooo I like the group now, hope the next batch ain’t going to be pain in the asses. I HATE SAYING GOODBYES.

Anywayz as Mish mentioned we’re moving out of NOVA apartments. It’s been long overdue and wasn’t as hard as I had imagined, not speaking the lingo and all. Either my Japanese has improved or I over-estimated the difficulty of the situation. Went for a bike ride to find it before, it’s about a 10 minute bike ride from where we are now. Not so far but probably be far to walk there. The location of our new place was really easy to choose. Anyone that knows Mish enough knows of her addiction to SHOPPING! The only thing remotely great about our place is that it’s close to 2 major shopping centers, PARCO and TOBU. Besides from that its’ further for me to get to work, its’ further from the station, we’ll prob get less visitors due to its walking distance etc. grrr I’m quite happy with it though. Its’ really peaceful but still inner city.

Signed a one year housing contract yesterday morning, so I guess that means I’m going to be staying an extra year starting from March, a few months longer than my already intended extended stay, which was suppose to only be till December this year. My best mate Alain was happy to hear that. Geez that means I would have had lived in Japan for nearly two years. O wells loving it here and ain’t home sick whatsoever. Hopefully by the time I get back home I would have paid off my car loan, my HECS debt as well as finish studying my online course. It would be a great start to life in Oz again. Not sure when Mish is deciding to leave, it will definitely be before me though.

We’ve been busy the last week with Linda/Joseph and trying to entertain them. Hope we were good host and that they enjoy their time in Utsunomiya. Also went to a super delayed “New Year’s party” on Saturday night at an Italian restaurant. I have a Japanese language exchange friend here who invited me to it. 16 people, mostly Japanese who spoke broken English and the rest were all foreign who spoke Japanese quite well. I was quiet surprised by my listening and comprehension of the Japanese language, but my speaking skills needs major work! Sort of depressed and motivated me at the same time. Anyway Mish, Linda and Joseph ended up going to the same restaurant for dinner (to spy on me? Hmz). It was awkward seeing them at the other table. Although… Mish hasn’t accused me of trying to chat up any girls that night yet phew! Hiding in the corner really worked!! AND OH… for the first time in my life! Someone said to me, “Jeremy your sexy”, by one of the chicks there!! Definitely highlight of the night mate ….. The next night (Sunday) Yuko had another farewell party with close friends only. Another late night.

Mish is in Tokyo now, 3 days by myself. Finally I’m able to do all the things I’ve wanted at my own pace. One of the main reasons I came to Japan was to escape from my busy lifestyle back home. I was working full time, studying part time 3 nights a week, band practice every Thursday, the whole of Sunday devoted to church, piano lessons and all the other hours in between for Mish or my family. It was great coming to Japan for the first few months, no stress no worries, but I’ve realize everything I’ve tried to escape is catching back up with me again. Starting tomorrow I’ll be working full time and studying part time again, I’m currently also taking piano lessons here, trying to learn Japanese, spending heaps of time with Mish and soon I’ll be part of a band so practice sessions etc will start soon also. Gosh… I really hate how I have so many hobbies and want to accomplish so many things at the same time sometimes. But being busy as I will be, I think I’ll enjoy doing it all here while I’m in Japan compared to Australia. I can’t wait till Mish proposes to me so I can stay home and be a house-husband and pursue all my interests. C’mon MISH!! My time is running out.

After going to that cafĂ© lounge thing in Daikanyama with the live music last week, the experience really reignited my burning desire to be in a band and make some quality music. I never thought I would ever be able to play in a band in Japan but to my surprise one of my student prepositioned me join his newly formed band last Friday. Obviously I said yes! I can’t wait till our first jam session. Apparently there’s a vocalist, guitarist, bass, drummer, pianist, saxophonist. Sounds perfect already! We’ll most likely be playing some Fusion, Jazz and maybe soft rock all being Japanese of course.

O its dinner time, hmz what should I make? Chicken or Beef cup noodle?

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