Tuesday, January 09, 2007

ahhh peace and quiet

It’s sooo sooo quiet now…. Mish, Lorena and Julia have left for Tokyo today. It’s just me at home for the next three days woo hoo, finally some resting time. As much as I enjoyed Lorena’s and Julia’s company the last few days, it’s nice for things to go back to normal. It’s 3.30pm atm and the sun is already setting. It gets so dark so quickly here in winter, makes the day go so slow. I’ve done jack all today, so much cleaning and unpacking to do still from last weeks’ trip.

AHHHHH Me ears’ bleeding like crazy now, just accidentally ripped me earring out of my ear AGAIN!! Every time Julia comes she puts a new hole in my body, Julia pierced my other ear last week, this time the overall piercing experience wasn’t as bad as last time but the after effect has been killing me. Don’t know why I keep accidentally yanking it out. Anyways, I’m hungry now and there’s no one to cook or to go buy me food hehe Julia was quiet useful while she was here, we maximized her time here by making her pay our bills and buy things for us such as toothpaste, phone cards etc while we were at work haha

Got a complaint from one of the students at work before the Xmas break I thought I’ll share with everybody. Most ridiculous thing ever!! My AT had to pull me aside one day to tell me that one of the parents of one of the kids that I teach, said that her child felt sick after sniffing my hair wax from class one day and would appreciate it if I could change my hair products lol I never thought you could go wrong with GATSBY.

Oh another thing that annoyed me just before the Xmas / New Year break. At my workplace (which is a shopping mall), I’ve been eyeing this jacket for 2 months that I totally love but thought it was too expensive so I have been waiting for it to be on sale. Those who have seen me know I’m quiet “big bone” haha and compared to the Japanese guys here I’m like Jenny Craig material, so I figured no one will buy this jacket because NO ONE WILL FIT IT! Anyways just before Xmas I finally committed to buying it at the non-saled price and to my surprise IT WAS GONE!!! I thought I was the only fatty in Utsunomiya, little did I know there’s another fatty stealing all my clothes here. Geeez maybe I’ll see him at Maccas one day.

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