Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Mish-less times 2

MmM ice cream for breakfast, coming home after the street lights have turned on, and allowed to use more than 3 squares of toilet paper a day… so much freedom!!! Yes I have once again been blessed; Mish is away again, this time for 4 days. Too bad I can’t fully pig out though; I’ve got a massive ulcer and can’t even swallow saliva without it hurting. Haven’t done anything exciting though, it’s towards the end of the monthly pay cycle and everyone is too broke to do anything including me.

Went out for my usual outing with Mr. Alain-san Sunday night. Man that guy’s a pig! We went to have dinner at a Chinese restaurant; this place served relatively oversized dishes unlike the super small Japanese portions you usually get. Anyway Alain ends up ordering a massive plate of noodles, 6 gyozas, an extra fried rice and an all you can drink thing. 30 minutes later we went to Coco’s and he claimed he was still hungry and ended up getting another all you can drink ticket, a dessert and a plate of chips. Within the next hour he was hungry again!! Watta fat ass!! Yet he’s still so skinny! I guess he inherited the skinny genes and I got the good lookin ones :p

Mish is at the snow festival thing in Hokkaido now. I jokingly told big Miki at work yesterday that with Mish being away for 4 days, I won’t be eating for 4 days because I don’t know how to cook and I don’t know how to use a microwave so I can’t buy supermarket food. She didn’t seem to understand that it was a joke, and recommended that I could buy sandwiches. LOL hope she doesn’t think I’m that pathetic. Anyway just in case anyone was wondering I have been eating well. I’ve been studying hard at home. I feel like I’m totally blind now after having read 45 pages of this week’s work from my computer screen. Haven’t got around to getting a printer yet. Printers are so expensive here for some reason. It’s like $150 for the cheapest one. You can get printers for less than 100 bucks back home. Guess not all electronics are cheap here eh?

Just a curious question to all that read our blog out there, when you talk face to face with someone, where do you look? Cause I’ve noticed I don’t look at people’s eyes but rather their mouths. Strange eh? Haha And when I do look into someone’s eyes I feel a very close connection, which can be very strange when you’re in a 2.5m X 3m room with four male students. Ekkk

I saw a short person today and it made me think of you Julia, so i thought i'll post a pic of you up haha hmz which one is the walrus? You both have big eyes and bad breathe. Maybe you should of taken your toothpaste with you when you left lol just kidding, you know your breathe ain't as bad as Mish's. She eats onions ewwww Yuko gave me a present just before she left. It was nicely wrapped and all (thanks Bazuko) but for some reason it had a Mother's day sticker on it. hmm

I can’t believe it’s already February, it’s nearly been a year! Time really flies here, but having been here so long and knowing the area (within biking distance) quiet well I’ve started to notice things are slowing down and it’s beginning to feel like home here (minus the language thing). Things like dreading work when you wake up; having nothing to do on the weekends anymore, etc… still I prefer it over Melbourne any day. I’ll be spending the rest of me life in OZ so I’ll enjoy it while I can here. Actually I got a dose of home last Wednesday, logging on the online classroom and hearing all these super THICK Aussie accents, hearing all the slang and idioms again. It was great because I think my English has gone worse and my Australian-ism (if there is such a word) is slowly diminishing.

1 comment:

Gemmish said...

are you taller than oompa loompa linda?? i remembered her being taller and when she came to visit i felt like i was in class with my kinder kids