Friday, January 26, 2007

Oompa Loompa is in the house

G’day peeps, how’s it going? Nothing much interesting has happened lately hence the delayed update. Little Linda and little Joseph are visiting at the moment. First time meeting Joseph, Linda’s new boyfriend. Nice guy, kinda reminds me of myself, two arms, two legs, human. Anyways just been occupied taking them around the place. Not much too see around here really, but luckily their laid back and don’t really care what we do.

I asked Linda to get me a toothbrush from Australia because the toothbrushes in Japan are so small!! The whole brush literally could only brush one tooth at a time. Anyways she ended up getting me five!! FIVE!! Even if I used all five toothbrushes at once I wouldn’t be able to use it all. (Hmz but that means I have less than 5 teeth now, Ok kinda exaggerated but c’mon) FIVE?! Dunno how im gonna use it all. Thanks anyway Little Linda.

Found out Odele, Cavell and Mervelle aint coming up to Utsunomiya anymore. On behalf of Mish I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Was looking forward to meeting you all too. O wellz. Hope u have fun when u come to Japan. Mish’s dad is coming in FEB so she’s gonna be on a few different trips to spend time with her family. Do you know what that means? I GET 3 WEEKENDS WIF NO MISH!! WOO HOO. Im gonna go wild!! Wear my left sock on my right foot, bike ride with thongs, turn the lights on during the day and eat cup noodles with a spoon. REBEL MATE!! Its only been the 25th day of 2007 and i've already broken my new years resolution, to practise piano everyday, geez i must say i have practised more than i usually would though but all that will probably change soon. The online course i signed up for is starting next Wednesday, gonna be a busy little bee. Can't be bothered going through all the assignments and exams again! arghhhhh

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