Friday, January 05, 2007


9 days away you would think I would now be experiencing total relaxation reaching my inner chi, but I’m totally exhausted! It’s good to be home. Back to the countryside, nice and quiet and non-populated.

Places we visited within the Xmas-New Year break;
Namba's nightlife


Bucketing down in Shinsaibashi
Streets of Umeda - Central Osaka
Osaka Aquarium

Outside the Aquarium
Osaka Castle

Osaka CastleIt was CLOSED though
A few famous temples (forgotten the names)
Golden Pavilion
Its made of real GOLD *Kaching*

Tokyo – Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku.

*sings* I’m not a man, not yet a woman…. Gosh… spending a few days with 3 girls in one hotel room I can honestly say I’ve experience womanhood. If you thought one girl took long to get ready, try 3!! And why the hell do girls take 7 years to get out of a toilet? Well the first toilet waiting experience I had was an exception I guess since Julia dropped her train pass in the toilet bowl and had to pick it up ewwwwwwww… poo fingers!!! And den Lorena did the exact same thing the next day!! OMG!! Maybe it’s a honkie thing?

Anywayz mish and I arrived in Osaka Namba first and spent two days shopping and just roaming the place, it was nice but very busy. Lorena was second to arrive and then Julz the on the same day. It was a strange experience when I saw Julz for the first time in 3 months. She said I went skinnier hehe and then she gave me a hug. I feel strange when she hugged me; I’ve never been hugged by a man before.

Julia was such a show off during the trip. Every morning after mish annoyed everyone and tried to wake us all up at 7am!! Julia would get out of bed showing off all the different colored rainbow jocks she had. The first morning was RED, the second RAINBOW, GREY and the last night was WHITE with a smudge of brown. Lol

Anyways we did so many things, maybe mish or Julia can update you more with all the other details in between. We spend New Years in Osaka and headed down to Tokyo where we did some extreme shopping. Super sale now in Japan, it was CRAZY!?!?! Worst than when we went to Tokyo dome. I’m totally broke now. Going through all the shops looking for bargains I felt like a refugee fighting for food off the aid truck.

Julia: I would like to clarify some of Gem's coMMents:
I DID NOT stick my hand into the toilet bowl! my card only fell on the floor next to the bowl! The rainbow and red jocks i have to admit that was true but not the white one with bRown Smudge! >_<
btw Gem, I came to visit U too!

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