Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bye Yuuko

Awww...yesterday was the last day I saw Yuuko...it was soooo sad...she bought gem and I presents and wrote us really touching going away letters and it made me cry when i read mine...she's my best friend here in Japan...I'm going to miss her sooooo much. Well I wish her all the best in Niigata..and we shall visit her there soon...

In Tokyo once again...spending time with my brother, James. Ivan's gone off to Osaka/Kyoto/Hiroshima etc. with Lil (she's so sweet!) and Daichi apparently...so I won't see him till next week. My dad will be arriving in Japan tomorrow. I'll go with James and pick him up from the airport. I'll have to go back to work on Thursday but it'll be a short week for me coz on Monday i'll be back in Tokyo again and going with my family to Hokkaido for the Snow Festival which should be really good. As Gem mentioned below, most probably going to miss out on seeing my cousins...i feel so bad...maybe ill go and visit you in Perth again some time soon..Towards mid feb ill be taking my dad around...maybe take him down to osaka and kyoto and hiroshima etc. still undecided...but i managed to get about 9 days off so that's sufficient time to do a lil travelling...

Oh guess what guess what? Jeremy and I are moving apartments hehe we should've moved along time ago...we would've saved alot more money if we did....Our new place is like half the size of the one we have now but it'll be alot more cosier i hope...as for the location...it's abit further from the station, but it's okay, coz we have bikes!! Going to move in around mid march. We're abit excited about it now.

Ok..im going to wake James up now. Usually I'd wake him up much earlier but i thought i'd let him have abit of a sleep in coz he was up till super late last night...playing with our new camera. It's so cool...takes really good shots...Here are some below...

P.S Hi GEM =) I miss you...hehe

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