Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas

Finally met up with James and Ivy the other night...they are staying in Shinjuku...I love their place...its small but really nice and cozy and they have those cool toilets!!! I wish I was living there instead of here....anyways caught up with Taka again...he's still exactly the same in terms of looks but his english has really improved. I wonder what people will think of me when I come back from Japan...hehe...i bet everyone will think im exactly the same...
Taka, James, Ivy and MeJames outside the restaurant
Just came back from Christmas dinner with Yuuko...she got me a Christmas was exactly what I was going to get her lol...seriously we are wayyyy alike!!! Our families are alike, our boyfriends are alike, our personalities are alike....everything!!! She is seriously my twin...too bad we don't look alike though. Anyway...pissed off...can't believe, Gem, Alain and Alain's bro and another unknown abandoned us on Christmas Eve!@#!@! They suck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Packing for our Christmas/NewYear trip to Tokyo/Osaka/Kyoto now...going to leave straight after work tomorrow hehe...i can't wait!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS '06 everyone =) We'll be gone for a while...gona meet up with Jules and we wen't be updating this page for a week or so...peace out!


Casey said...

Hey Gem & Mish! Happy New Year! May the year of 2007 be a year of immense blessings to both of you! Take care and hope to see you in the future! :) God bless! -KC-

Gemmish said...

casey matey! how ya doing dude? hope all is going well for you back in Malaysia. All the best for you and the new year.