Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Utsunomiya wa samui desu

Riding a bike in conditions of 10 degrees and under ain't a good idea. It literally takes me 30 mins in front of the heater each night after work to regain feelings to my hands and face. Alain-san and i will soon take a bus to work. That's an extra 100 bucks of my paycheck each month to take the thing. Grrr The cost of travelling in Japan is soooo expensive.

Anywayz i was on the train going to do overtime at another branch. Saw this old couple on the train. As fruity as this might sound i found it really sweet what i saw. Mish and other people are always telling me how they find old couples cute but i never thought so, dunno why now ive changed my mind. I guess as u get older u imagine that ur life would turn out to be the same once u hit their age. The old lady had a thermal flask packed with green tea and was basically serving her husband. They looked so old and frail as well as dopey. Dunno it was really sweet and nice, gave me a strange warm feeling. Hope i could experience the same thing when i get older. Im yet to find my perfect match though :p

Recently i've really enjoyed teaching all my kids. Besides the grannies just mentioned, i think i'm beginning to really love children also. I'm actually known as a hard ass kids teacher at my branch, so therefore i get all the shit kids classes so i can whip them into shape. But besides from them, i have tonnes of kids i love to teach. I act kinda dumb most times in class and even the kids look up at me with this "what the hell is he doing" look haha... Just the other day one of my kinder kid (which are like 4-6 years old) randomly came out of no where up to me and pinched my cheeks. WTF it should be the other way around. And it aint the first time its happened either. One time a junior kid told the other children in class i looked like a cartoon. Kids are so cute!!

anywayz gotta go, mish is getting annoying trying to kick me off trying to find out whether she has been poisoning us by feeding us sprouted garlic. That might explain why i was suddenly super sick for no reason and still am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kids pinched ur cheeks?? hahhaa...thats good! maybe they thought ur got chubby cheeks and looks realli cute! Maybe u should ask Mish to do massage for ur cheeks, probably it helps to burn the fats on ur cheeks..arha... :)