Tuesday, December 19, 2006


OMG FINALLY IT’S BACK!!! I haven’t been able to taste “anything” for the last 7 days or so because I’ve been sick the last 3 weeks. Don’t know why it just suddenly disappeared and took so long to come back. I was getting worried that I was going to lose it forever. I would have lost another one of the many pleasures in life, (having lost so many after meeting mish, e.g. freedom of speech, free will, free thought… etc). It was really strange not being able to taste anything though. I still had cravings but every time I ate or drank something I could only imagine how it tasted. I got so annoyed at one stage I started to eat strange things just to test the waters. So for lunch at work, I ended up eating salads with no dressing… a full bowl of ONLY rice… extra chilly with my food… and even cheese (YUKKKK)… and surprisingly enough, NOTHING! Mish showed no sympathy and the tightass even took advantage of my condition and made me eat yuki flavored things, as well as restricted me from eating delicious expensive things because it was a waste if I had eaten it, and it would be more economical for her to dispose of it down her own gob. GEEEEZ

Anyway I’m happy to report my taste buds are back and unfortunately I felt the full effect of mishs cooking last night hahaha it’s not like mish can’t cook but sometime she makes some really strange things. Speaking of mish, I won’t be seeing her for the next 3 days or so. James just arrived in Japan and she has gone down to Tokyo to meet up and stay 3 days with him. Unfortunately I have to work so I couldn’t go. I didn’t really want to go anyway, trying to conserve money for our Osaka trip coming up next week. Lorena should be arriving in the next 3 days or so and Julia in a week and a half. Although work will finish in exactly a week and I’ll be in Osaka in exactly a week from now, I can’t say I’m feeling any excitement hmzz I wonder why. I’m not even sure what we’re doing when we get there.

I must say it’s really quiet without mish here. Quite peaceful actually hahaha but I’m sure by tomorrow I’ll be so bored. I guess I’m getting a sample of what it’ll be like if I was living here by myself. We’ve actually confirmed out flights back home already. May 27th, 2007 is the date so far. We’ll definitely be coming back home. Mish’s decision at the moment is leaning towards not extending her stay here. I’m definitely staying an extra 6 months. So after flying back home and staying for about 2-3 weeks I’m heading back here again. The only reason I needed to come back was to continue and finish what I was studying back home. But I’m actually studying it online now so I get to enjoy the best of both worlds.

I’ve just realized, that ever since kinder garden started for me, (if you include the last 6 months) I’ve only had a proper 1 year break from studying (not including the usual school breaks of course) my entire life. 6 months after uni finished, I started a part time course while working full time after realizing that my other half’s dream job was to be a housewife (THAT’S NOT EVEN A JOB) and I probably wouldn’t be able to support her on my current salary

Me and my Otaku friend Yuko

Anyways mish mentioned in her blog how we went to the Tokyo Dome sale. I had two major surprises while I was there. One was how civilized everyone was. Although there were hundreds of people, there was no pushing or shoving as well as pushing in. Everyone was so patient and well mannered. That’s one of the reasons why I love Japan so much. If it was in Australia you know there would be people falling over and trampled on etc… just like the Boxing Day sales at Myers each year. The second surprise; how women suddenly receive super human strength when they walk through the venue of a sale. It was like shopping with a thousand Superwoman’s. I was getting pushed about and knocked around left right and center from high school girls, office ladies, teenage girls, little old ladies with walking sticks and hunched backs etc. They look so fragile, if a speeding car drove past the wind force would probably knock them over but yet at these sales… gosh! I guess I shouldn’t have been in the women’s underwear section in the first place. Lol

Christmas is spectacular in Japan, I recommend visiting in December!!! Getting comments motivates us to write more since we know people are visiting so keep it up peepz.

Thanks for your comments Odele. I must admit it was kinda strange hearing u call me GEM. Don't know why.

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