Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Inside my head 2006

Since being here, a lot of people have come and gone. It’s really sad meeting someone you like and when they leave realizing you’ll probably never ever see them again for the rest of your life but knowing they exist somewhere doing something. It really makes me appreciate the people around me more.

Was listening to a song on me iPod while riding to work the other day and the lyrics made me think about life in general. Obviously everyone makes choices in life, what path they choose and decisions they make will determine who they meet, where they go and how their lives will end up.

Made me think, if I had gone to a different university, where I would be now. Whether or not, I had made the right choice to come to Japan or if I should of stuck at my job and accepted the promotion. If I hadn’t come I wouldn’t have met my workmates and students. I wouldn’t have even known of their existence and vice versa. How our lives would have been different now. It feels really strange when I think about it. It all makes me wonder and I would really like to see where I would be now if at a point back in time somewhere I had made a different decision. It’d be nice if once you died and get to heaven to be able to see a picture of how you life may have been different if you had made different choices at various stages of your life on earth.

Saw a really old lady walking on the street when I was on the bus last week. For some strange reason it made me think of my parents and then my grandparents. I’ve tried not to rely on family for anything since I finished high school, even if that means making $5 an hour delivering noodles to not have to ask them for any money, hence I’ve always seen myself as being independent, but never enough to oppose my parents’ decisions or doing anything without their approval first. But ever since the start of the year I’ve actually seen myself as really grown up and in a way grown up enough to go ahead with things even if my parents opposed to it. To me, it’s a really lonely, scary yet exhilarating feeling, to know I’m 100% in charge of my life now. I’ve got to start taking care of my parents now and not the other way around anymore.

My mindset has changed heaps I think since I’ve been here. Whether or not it shows through my personality I don’t know. I guess I’m not so different, still cracking dumbass jokes and laughing at others at their expense but I feel my mind has matured 10 fold. I guess it’s from hanging out late nights at Coco’s with Alain and being able to voice it to someone I trust and getting opinions rather than keeping thoughts all to myself like I did back home. It’s really hard finding someone that connects with you on the same level in all aspects. I’m really happy to have met a bunch of good lads here.

I love kids! Drawings for me from my kinders Ayane, Moeka and Anon
My turn...I'm not going to write much just post a few pics...Took my camera to work the other day coz I wanted to take a pic with Naeko before she left as I didn't attend her going away party the night before because I was above's my name tag, my wall of kids drawings for me...and on the right a pic with Naeko for the last time....

Getting excited now that everyone's coming...last night wrote a mega long email to Jules and Lorena planning our trip to Osaka and Kyoto...can't wait!!! 12 days till Christmas and 12 days till I'm on holidays...YAY!!! Can you believe it? They make you work on Christmas Day!!! shocking~

Been researching on that LV bag in my previous post...I've decided I'm going to buy it...but does anyone know which country would be cheapest to buy it...I think Japan is more expensive. So out of Italy, HK and Australia, which is the cheapest country to buy Louis Vuitton???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gem - its amazing to feel so free isnt it! I felt like that when I lived o'seas. You are completely in control of everything you do. Totally autonomous and a grown-up!
We are so looking forward to seeing you guys. We have had a nice week with James here in Perth.
See you next month!!
PS They make you work Xmas that is insane.