Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I have my own stalker!!!!!

update on the Akir* situation. Today i got one of the japanese staff (Keiko) to call him and tell him that i was not back yet since he was calling me today. He dragged the conversation out for about 5 minutes. After the convo Keiko told me that he kept insisting that "jeremy IS back in Japan", saying that he wants to meet me!! OMG is he thick or what? Keiko was saying he was really strange and yet i haven't even told her anything about what's been happening. 10 minutes later Keiko comes in and asked me what his name was. So i replied "Akir*", then she gave me this look of horror and said "this afternoon an akira dude rang our office and booked a trial lesson for this sunday and said that he wanted to meet you". HE'S COMING TO MY WORKPLACE TO FIND ME NOW....OMG OMG OMG!!! i wonder if he's been stalking me all this time, if not then why was he so sure i was still in JAPAN. im totally freaked out now. i've only met him twice, WHY IS HE SO OBESSESSED WITH ME?!?!?! i'm sooooo horrified and shocked, Keiko suggested that i do a swap and work at a different branch that day. But i was thinking NOVA wouldnt let me do it. But then apparently the staff got worried and rang my manager. He offered me a swap after a series of questions of how i know him etc to assess the situation since they was a recent killing of a NOVA teacher from a strange ass stalker. i'm soooo paranoid now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways after work i went to Alains house to have some cake. I came home pretty late and was thinking mish might be worried about me since my phone was on silent and didnt realise. I walk in the door and the first thing she says to me in her squeaky gay ass voice is "where's the cake?, did you bring me back any cake"?!

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