Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i love nagase tomoya!!!

i love himmmmmmmm!!!I just finished watching a Japanese drama called "MY BOSS MY HERO" it's soooooooooo goood!!! Nagase Tomoya is so cute and funny in this movie!!! The plot of the movie is basically about a 27 year old yakuza (Nagase Tomoya) who is sent back to school to graduate so he can take over his dad's position as boss!!!

I've always been into K-dramas and have never really watched many J-doramas until now...I'm really getting into them...especially after watching '1 LITRE OF TEARS' last month...its based on a true story and it's so dayem sad!!! ...and I watched my first anime ' BLEACH' which was good too!!!

I highly recommend these shows!!! You won't be disappointed~ =)


pics from karaoke the other day...

I have my own stalker!!!!!

update on the Akir* situation. Today i got one of the japanese staff (Keiko) to call him and tell him that i was not back yet since he was calling me today. He dragged the conversation out for about 5 minutes. After the convo Keiko told me that he kept insisting that "jeremy IS back in Japan", saying that he wants to meet me!! OMG is he thick or what? Keiko was saying he was really strange and yet i haven't even told her anything about what's been happening. 10 minutes later Keiko comes in and asked me what his name was. So i replied "Akir*", then she gave me this look of horror and said "this afternoon an akira dude rang our office and booked a trial lesson for this sunday and said that he wanted to meet you". HE'S COMING TO MY WORKPLACE TO FIND ME NOW....OMG OMG OMG!!! i wonder if he's been stalking me all this time, if not then why was he so sure i was still in JAPAN. im totally freaked out now. i've only met him twice, WHY IS HE SO OBESSESSED WITH ME?!?!?! i'm sooooo horrified and shocked, Keiko suggested that i do a swap and work at a different branch that day. But i was thinking NOVA wouldnt let me do it. But then apparently the staff got worried and rang my manager. He offered me a swap after a series of questions of how i know him etc to assess the situation since they was a recent killing of a NOVA teacher from a strange ass stalker. i'm soooo paranoid now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways after work i went to Alains house to have some cake. I came home pretty late and was thinking mish might be worried about me since my phone was on silent and didnt realise. I walk in the door and the first thing she says to me in her squeaky gay ass voice is "where's the cake?, did you bring me back any cake"?!

Friday, August 10, 2007


OH NO!!! AKIRA IS BACK!! yes the wierd ass dude whose house i went to not long ago, that basically wants to meet me everyday and can't take no for an answer. arghhhh I told him i was going to Australia and won't be coming back til june 29th night. June 30th morning he was calling me non stop for like 2 hours and then every hour after that. Finally i got my japanese friend to tell him i was still in Australia and wont be coming back til mid August. Just now i accidentally answered the phone from a strange number...and he was like "jeremy"? arghhhhh but then i played dumb and pretended like the phone had bad connection and kept repeating "hello, helloooo, helllllloooo", it's been an hour and he still hasnt stopped calling OMG!!! It's fully killed my phone battery, I turned my phone off for like 30 mins, turned it back on and then i got 15 missed call sms's!

the sms's displayed his miss calls at, 8:48, 8:50, 8:51, 8:52, 8:53, 8:55, 8:56, 8:58, 9pm, 9:06, 9:09, 9:10, 9:13, 9:15, 9:16, 9:18 etc etc up to 9:42 WHO THE HELLS CALLS THAT MUCH!!!

piss off you crazy person!!! i'm trying to figure out how to bar his number so he can't call through but it's a little difficult from the phone going off every MINUTE!!! lucky i didnt tell him where i lived!! I hope to god he doesn't come to my workplace, that would be tragic!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Landmark TowerMinato Mirai 21Felt like Christmas..
Had a fun filled weekend exploring Yokohama for the first time. I must say it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Maybe my expectations were too high from everyone raving on about it. Chinatown was pretty good i thought, it even smelt like China, (well i haven't been to china so i wouldn't know exactly but it smelt like Julia's house and that'll be my point of reference). Anyway, it's quite futuristic especially around Minato Mirai 21. Mainly just did the usual, abit of sightseeing and shopping.
Night view with biggest ferris wheel i thinkUp the top of Landmark TowerIt's mooncake season! Yummm...

The thing I liked best about Yokohama would have to be the food =P Jeremy and I kinda went on a eating spree...but it's ok, we did alot of walking to make up for it hehe...especially looking for a hotel to stay at....went to about 5 hotels and they were fully booked?!?!!? Well i guess it is summer vacation season here....Yokohama ChinatownIn the fancy restaurant we had yumcha at...One of the biggest Chinatown's in the world?Set lunch for meTop it off with dessertand set lunch for gem

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Miki's (choco) boobs violated photobucket's rules!! LOL

G’day ya’ll!!! It’s been a bad day at the Pham residences today. Mish’s bike got stolen and I popped my back tire on the way back from work. It’s gonna be like 1765 again for us having to walk everywhere tomorrow, in the super humid weather too!

Yesterday was the annual Utsunomiya festival, Mish, Alain and I headed down to go for a wander and to get something to munch on for the night’s tea. We ended up with some noodles, fried chicken, buttered potato, Japanese pancakes, desserts and ice cream. What a FEAST! We chowed it down whilst watching die hard 4.
Orion DoriSome cute little girl in her yukataCute old men...one with the biggest cheek ever!
Alain buying some kinda buttered potato...yuk!Two chicks in their yukata...pretty!!I don't know what they are doing but they look like their really into it haha
Gem and IBumped into Luke and AliYuuko and I at that yummy thai restaurant...
The other night we also feasted on some Thai food with little Yuko, Mish loved it, but isn’t it the same with all foods? She ended up devouring 60% of what was on the table. She would have eaten the display flower and the dirty tissues if i hadn’t stopped her. What an ANIMAL!!

Our weekends’ coming up, YAY!! We’ll be heading down to YOKOHAMA for two days, (yups Mish to shop and me to be the human shopping cart).

We’ve also heard some SUPER EXCITINGGGGGGG NEWSSSS but we have not yet sure if we have the permission and authority to disclose it. Keep checking and we’ll keep you posted. Only hint is Mish is super jealous of this person and I’m getting a major headache from Mish complaining everyday about it!!! HELP!

Next week we’ll be going on another weekend away, this time with Miki. The initial plan was to climb FUGI SAN but Alain pulled out and with Miki and Mish who ain’t so excited about going on a 15hour hike up a mountain and back, I’ve decided to cancel it!! Unambitious little turds!!

Oh and I’ve also quit piano school!! The fee system sucked big time. They expected me to pay for lessons for the month I was back in Melbourne when I had already given them advanced notice and to also pay for lessons that don’t occur when the teacher calls in sick. What kind of gay ass system is that? So in my disarray I pulled the plug!! “Zannen desu ne, (what a pity)”, is what they said, yes pity indeed, NOT!!

Next poker game is in two weeks Yay!! Not so confident about this next one coming up because they all know what I have up my sleeve. I shall try my best
Move over 7/11, our nearest convinient store...Family Mart!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007