Monday, April 09, 2007

I rode past the river to work last week and they've put up these fish kites. I wasn't sure the reason so I thought i'd google it and Children's Day came up...but the thing is, it's not till May so I'm not sure if it's related. Anyone know?

Anyway, one of my students gave me another present a few days ago. She just came back from Canada and bought me these chocolates, etc. How sweet!!! =) She really loves Praise mayonnaise, so I think ill buy her some when/if I come back to Japan. I'm still thinking whether I should stay or not due to some circumstances at work. Perhaps you might see me back earlier than you think. I won't have much to do til January if I go back, but it'll give me an opportunity to keep an eye on my dad.

Last night we celebrated Preston's birthday at Toyo Bowling. He booked a few lanes and we bowled till they closed. I was really into it at the start but after the 2nd round I started to lose interest. The guys were too good and were killing it with strikes. I prefer competing against people of the same level as me. Believe it of not Preston got a scored of 200!!! Watta star~Anyway haven't been out with the nova crew in a while so that was good. I expect they'd be many farewell parties in the next few months since everyone is leaving.

Tomorrow we're off to Niigata for the next 3 days. Quite excited to visit Yuuko =) Going to meet her family and friends and visit her farm hehe...gotta go pack now and have an early night coz we're leaving super early tomorrow morning. ~ja

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