Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I hate thinking of topics!!

I’m 24 now!!! Thanks to all of you who remembered my birthday, for all the wishes and the presents =) I must say I was quite touched to see the number of people who remembered. I haven’t had a chance to reply your emails as I have been really busy with our new place…but I will reply them in due time =P …didn’t really celebrate my birthday this year…in fact I had to work…and even had to do overtime!!! Ah wells, birthday’s aren’t really a big thing for me anyway…just reminds me of how old I am getting…*sighs*

Having done a swap for Preston and Helen, Jeremy and I had Monday off. We initially had plans to go to Tokyo Disneysea but we scrapped that idea in the last minute because Miki and Yuko etc. couldn’t make it. So instead, we decided to spend the last 3 days in our area.

Things we accomplished the last 3 days:

  • We attended Japanese lessons – It was the 2nd lesson for me and I found it really difficult coz it was really fast paced. Our teacher only spoke Japanese in the lesson so that made it harder. Now I know how our students feel. I’m sure this experience will make me a better teacher.
  • We furnished our new place. It’s really nice and cozy now. We bought ourselves necessities like an iron, vacuum cleaner, clothes hangers, kitchen utensils, cleaning agents, etc. and not to mention a PS3!!! ( essential!!)
  • Jeremy managed to squeeze in 2 practice sessions at the music studios whilst I did some shopping. Jeremy bought me a bag, 2 tops and pants for my birthday - I love it!!!…and an LV bag is on the way from my dad hehe…he said I could choose anyone…so I’m trying to find one I like…so far I’m thinking the ‘Handbag Riveting’…but it’s pretty expensive here…like 2.5K…I wonder if it’s cheaper in Australia or elsewhere. I also like the ‘Cabas Raye GM’ but I’m not sure if I want to pay that much for denim…seems to be a bit of a waste. These are the dilemmas I face…(OMG I just reread what I wrote and I’m rhyming)
Jeremy’s playing the PS3 now as I’m writing this..he bought a new game today called Power Smash 3…It’s the no.2 game out here now. Initially I thought it was crap but then when I realized you could change the appearance of the character, the game suddenly seemed more interesting…plus it’s not all standard tennis as I assumed it would be…you can play all these other related games too to build your skills…it’s quite cool.

Better be off to prepare dinner. I'll upload pics later. And how come no one leave messages anymore here huh????

My turn! It’s been over a month since we’re written anything proper here. Sorry dudes. Mish has been busy with her dad and working to make up for the swaps she made to get holidays and I’ve been busy doing other secret men’s business. Not to mention also having moved, this has killed the last 2 weeks of our time, moving, cleaning and settling into the new place.

So much has happened lately: New apartment, band, new job, Mish’s b’day, school, etc…
I’ve been going to a music studio heaps lately to practice songs for the band, we’re having our first jam session this coming Sunday, can’t wait!! Our official band name: TELL TALE, (Japanese pronunciation, Teru Taru, haha) Anyways I was shocked and horrified when I tried the first time to play the drums again in over 10 months. I’VE LOST MY RHYTHM AND GROOVE! My hands were so stiff, fingers couldn’t move as fast no more and I couldn’t even play in time. It was so depressing. Anyways I’m happy to report after 4 trips to the studio I’ve finally got my timing back, still can’t play properly though grrrr

It was Mishs’ b’day this week. I didn’t know what to get her so I ended up just taking her shopping. We went to her favourite store and I let her do her thing, little did she know I was planning to pay for everything. After mish confirmed she had finished and I reconfirmed and asked her “are you finished?” and she replied “yeah, I’m done”. So, while we were at the counter I told her “ok I’ll pay for everything, it’ll be your b’day present”, and SUDDENLY she starts liking everything else in the shop, picking up random things and looking around ferociously with those little crossed eyes for anything she’d like and could quickly grab and bring back to the counter before the girls in the shop finished packing the bags. Sheshh watta titeass.

I went to a job interview last week for a different English school. I ended up getting a job to do some private part time English lessons. Money ain’t too bad either. I start my first lesson this Friday. How excitement! (yes excitement)

School works’ been busy too. As most people would have read, I’m currently studying online at the moment. I wagged my first class today. Check this; I take my classes online which means every 2 weeks I log on to a site from the comfort of my own home for one hour to participate in a virtual classroom. Usually I just leave the speakers on watch TV, surf the net or whatever. Learning doesn’t get any easier than that and I was too lazy to do that today. How shameful!

Piano lessons are kicking off too. I’ve been learning chords and my teacher is also showing me some extra funky stuff. I’m sorta taking an excel course in piano at the moment. Pretty soon I’ll be able to play properly and accomplish that dream of having a baby grand piano in my future house with the 6 wives and 2 latino maids.

Mish and I are planning a trip to Nigata in the next fortnight or so to visit Mish’s only friend in Japan, Yuko haha Tokyo Disney Sea, we’ll be going to sometime soon also to have a buffet lunch while all the Disney characters run around the tables. COOL! We’ll be doing heaps of overtime next month. And before you know it’ll be the end of May and we’ll be back in Melbourne again.

Hmz what else? Oh we got a Ps3 today, its mad! I usually don’t play games but now my life is complete. I’m loving our new apartment, it’s a smaller than the old one but it’s new and much more cozy. I’ll take some pictures and put em up once we finish cleaning it a bit more. The moving process was shocking!! Took us 2 days just to move everything across. Mish’s clothes alone took like 3 trips. Have I mentioned she’s purchased 16 pairs of shoes since being here? OMG!!! Anyways we don’t have much room to store clothing at this new place. We have like half the cupboard space of the old place and worst of all; we also have to share it, before it was one massive cupboard each. No more clothes shopping for me.

Work again tomoz… grrr I can’t be bothered, even though I don’t mind it when I get there. I’m working at three different schools this month. I can’t even remember where I’m meant to be working half the time. Next month I’ll be at Mish’s branch 1 day per week. That’s gonna be a disaster, even though Mish is super excited about it.

P.S Happy Belated B’day Joseph.

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