Saturday, February 17, 2007

I go to play ski

It’s like I hit the jackpot this time around, 7 days without the Mish. By golly! I’ve already spread the word to everyone that I’m a free man and to include me in every outing event and party woo hoo…

Anyways I’ve committed to taking Japanese lessons. I figured since I’m going to be here for at least another year so I should get a little more serious about the language. So now it’s going to be Japanese lessons, online studying, piano lessons, work and the band. Jammed packed Melbourne life, Welcome back! Being busy is good though I guess. It’ll give me less opportunity to spend money. I need to save big time. It’s so hard to save here.

Was just looking through Mish’s cupboard today, I feel like I need more clothes. Lacking bad compared to Mish, but if you ask her she’ll tell you she’s got no clothes. 16 pairs of shoes: she’s got since being here. That’s 5 times more than what I have! But then again her breathe is 5 times worst so I guess it evens out. Why do people insist on eating things like onions, garlic, creamy pasta etc geez

I taught at Mish’s branch today, it wasn’t exciting as I thought it would be. I had crappy little shy high school girls and super old retired men who had nothing interesting to talk about. Made my day go super super slow. I also taught a really crappy infant (chibiko, 1-3years old) class of Mish. I was basically singing and dancing by myself. It was embarrassing!! QUESTION: Do anyone know the song and actions to head, shoulders, knees and toes? I had to sing and do the actions to that song today, I didn’t know the tune and I couldn’t follow the actions hahaha the kids knew it better than me, OMG! Now that was embarrassing!

Anyways while teaching a class at Mish’s branch I couldn’t stop laughing because the conversation was so weird and strange. Basically I gave the students 2 minutes to free talk on any topic and it went a little something like this:

S1: Where do you live?
S2: I like carrots, What do you do?
S1: I’m engineer, I go to shopping on day off. What sports you like?
S2: I play with myself at golf range.
S1: I have one daughter
S2: I have fish and rice and soup at breakfast


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