Friday, July 14, 2006

Annyong Haseyo

Greetings from Utsunomiya, the land of gyozas (pronouced "go-za)and not much else!! We finally got the net connected today (yayyy!!!) and now we can get our blog up and running.

From now on, everything in PINK is written by MISH, and everything in BLUE is written by GEM and everything in YELLOW is written by BOTH OF US. Wakari masu ka?

The reason why we chose 'wakarimas3n' for the name of our blog is because we hear it everyday and also it is one of the few words in Japanese we know, which just so happens to be rather useful. 'Wakarimasen' in Japanese means 'I don't understand' *yawns* alhough we stated that yellow is from the both of us that was all mish writing in her wanna be sophisticated tone blah blah.. let me wake u all up wif a quick joke.. wat do u call a deer wif no eyes.... "no idea" hahaha OMG talk about stealing my joke!!! lol I told that joke in 'Voice' today and none of my students got the joke!!! So if you don't get the joke, either your super slow (jules?) or your english is really bad (jules?) ....Time for my next joke... what do you call a dead deer wif no eyes.... "still no idea" lol... OMG copyright mate!! Its late, got work early tomorrow, so I'll leave it at that for now...we'll keep this blog updated, so come and visit regularly ok?
Lala squarei love sausage dogs they are soooo cute!!

1 comment:

Gemmish said...

June: Yeah heaps of people have suggested that we start blogging thats why we've got this page up and running...What've u been up to?

Jules: Smarter eh? We'll see...