Monday, July 31, 2006

My legs feel like noodles

I came with the intention of shredding a few pounds (or 50) when coming to Japan and Ive been trying to lose weight since ive been here… but its so not working with all the weird and exciting foods sold everywhere. ITS JUST SO HARD!! Newayz ive decided since im in Japan and not making any progress thinning down I might as well set a goal more attainable… yes im gonna be a sumo!

Mish and I rode our bikes to my workplace just now (11PM) by golly its far!! Seems so close on the bus though, grrr as long as the weather aint too hot I guess I can survive the distance, after all I do get to pocket all the travel allowance by riding…kekeke I was checking out ebay the other day, I saw something that’s worth 12k in OZ and approx 6K in Japan and the US going for 800 US buckaroos!! I couldn’t believe it!!! How?! What?! HUH!!?! Im so tempted to buy it but I dun wanna get jibbed! Any eBay experts out there who can tell me firstly how western union works? Thanks mate.

Can’t believe another week has gone by, seemed like only yesterday that we went to Tokyo and here we are, nearly another week. Its nearly August too, we came in mid June and to think its been nearly two months whoaaa we’l be back in no time. Im considering going to Tokyo again this coming Tuesday, my turn to go shopping crazy!! Purchased some Korean concert cds’ at HMV shibuya last week. So disappointed, the cd case says “1st live concert”, yadda yadda yadda so im tinking, “cool something to watch” turns out it’s a live audio recording of the concert! Why would I wanna listen to a concert?! Why would anyone wana listen to a concert!?! Watta waste of 40 bucks! Worst part is I saw the album for d/l on the net yesterday grr

I had my 3rd piano lesson yesterday, I aint learning it the conventional way here, im learning song by song and picking up little technicalities etc as I go through the music. My teacher doesn’t speak English and I dun speak nihon go (Japanese) so u try imagine how weird my lessons are. Ive managed to learn MOONRIVER in just 3 weeks, my teacher was horrified I learnt it so fast ekeke need to get my moneys worth! Plus I recently purchased a piano in Japan, so I need to use it regular to depreciate the value so I wont feel so bad. Next week im learning a new song, I told her I like ballads and asked her to pick me a good song to play; hopefully I’ll learnt something nice. I wanted to play something and put it up on this site but unfortunately I cant find a site that allows me to upload to it and put the link in html format, anyone know of any? Mish and I could put up songs we like to this page if so.

Mish and i went for dinner at an izakaiya (i think dats how u spell it) with one of our jap friends the wednesday just passed. Her English is quiet good but she made some super funny comments. It was basically japanese translated directly into Japanese. eg when speaking to us about her ex she says, "i didnt like his face". haha we need more jap friends here though. I dun really wanna hang wif the other teachers, i came to Japan to meet japanese people not foreigners.

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