Monday, July 17, 2006

Mister donut

Gem at Mister Donut100Yen Donuts
Its 9pm and mish is already sleeping (having not showered I might add ewww)… ahhh some things never change. Living in Japan has been an interesting experience but living wif Mish has been an even more interesting experience. It’s like we’re basically a married couple now. A lot of changes and adaptions need to be made, mostly on my behalf. Dunno how Av didn’t lose his mind. Hmz how should I describe? Its kinda like… umm...

Well u know when u get a super itchy asshole, and for some reason its always when ur in some public place where there’s tones of people around and u cant get to it discretely? … so u go about your day trying to wiggle the itchiness and irritation away or try to do things to keep urself occupied so it’l take ur mind off it. Well living wif mish is kind of like dat… from time to time she’l irritate me for a while wif her bossiness or whining, and then I’ll go about my day trying to ignore what happened. Great analogy eh?? hahaha…. Well this is just my side of the story I’m sure there’s things about me that irritate her too.

Currently d/ling “Pirates of the Caribbean, dead mans chest” now, its not released in Japan till this Saturday, was planning to go to the cinemas to watch it but tickets are quiet expensive.. Approx 30bucks per person whoa!!! I conveniently found a link to d/l so I guess we’ll just watch it at home and save the dosh. I wanna watch a movie in Japan though, just for the experience esp with their weird snacks etc. Might go watch MI III wit workmates even though I heard it’s a crap movie. But like I said, just for the experience.

Thinking of going to Tokyo next week even though we’re just scraping by. Actually we’re gonna go to Tokyo this Wednesday, we got training in Omiya which is apparently not that far from Tokyo so we’ll drop down there for a while esp. since our company’s paying for our training traveling cost woo hoo.

Anyways we have a day off tomoz… got plans to pick up our alien registration cards at the city office tomoz. The cards basically an ID carda saying we’re foreigners (gaijin as Japanese pplz call us), saves us having to carry our bulky passports around everywhere anymore, which is a massive pain in the ass. You need that card for everything. Signing up for a phone, video card, bank account… kinda likes a license id thing. You basically can’t even poo before presenting the card to the toilet police.

1 comment:

Gemmish said...

hi tim hehe =)how've u been?