Monday, July 24, 2006

Drip Drop Drip Woo hooo

The weather has been absolutely beautiful this last week. Nothing but overcast and rain, (anything but the hot humid weather i say). Its nice being able to sleep without waking up in shock from drowning in ur own sweat. So, how has everybody been? I wonder if everyone is even checking out our page every now and then. Havent really spoken to anyone besides Julz via msn. People seem to be busy. Hope ya all doing well!

Anyways mish and i have been kinda scraping the bottom of our pockets lately, but having said that we've decided to head down to tokyo tommorrow. There's only so much we can do here (wen i say do, i mean shop). Not sure wear exactly we'l be going yet... mostly likely it'l be shibuya or harajuku. Doesnt make much difference though cuz they're onli one station apart. It aint like Melbourne where u can prob see half the city in one day. Each "suburb" (and i use that term loosely) is a major city in itself. Could probably spend a whole day in just one area.

We went to Varios the other day. Its the amusement park where i played soccer wif my workmates in a cage on the roof of the building. Havent gotten together to have a kick for a while though, since the last time we played one guy broke his wrist and another guy pulled a ligament (<== write spelling?) Those european boys are quiet serious about their soccer. ahaha Anywayz Varios, when im there its like a kid in a candy store. U basically pay about 70yen (about 1bux australian) per 10 mins while ur in there and everything in there is basically free!!! They have heaps of weird and cool games. I love the air rifle one, its like being in a real shooting range. I mite go back there tonite if i can b bothered. Its not close but i wouldnt say its far either. Its a nice ride if the weather holds up. oh just in case u didnt know, mish and i ride bikes around everywhere where we stay. Your prob tinking bikes?!?! must be really countryside hahaha... we'l take a picture one day and put it up. mish cant really ride properly still, ive seen old ladies ride with no hands and mish is struggling, (rolls eyes) shes getting better though. Pretty soon she'l be in the BMX champsionship (yeh rite!)

Air RifleOpposite our apartment - our beloved 7/11
Was shocked outta my jox to hear that my workmate got run over by a car whilst riding his bike 2 nights ago...he claimed to have looked left and right and not seen the car and then the next thing he knew it he was in hospital...lucky he didnt get any serious injuries just some bruises etc. Anyway...I just got back from work...was glad to come home to see Gem had done a little bit of cleaning around the house this morning...yayy....Today is like friday for me, I've got the next 3 days off =) Will be busy busy busy having fun fun fun heheh...p.s 'hi linda' hahah...


Anonymous said...

Awwww....gem! I check your blog everyday! I get a lil disappointed when i don't see a new entry up! ;) lol. And you did spell ligament right. Anyway, good to hear that you're having so much fun there!

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.