Friday, June 22, 2007

Part 2

Animal Cruelty, i put him in my Drs boots
On the veranda
While i was in Australia my parents got a new little puppy since my dog died after getting hit by a car a few months back. This one is soooo small and it was sooooo cute!! i usually don't like animals (well besides from Mish) but dogs are so cute when their small (just like everything else i guess).

First Impressions Continued:


I met Tom through Cze ee not so long ago… At first 2005 after the baptism, wow i've known you for that long?
sight he seemed like a really goodie two shoe but after knowing this dude more he turned out to be a hardcore Melbourne shuffler! He taught all the GOR’er’s how to dance that night. Recently I discovered he’s also a shifty little lady-killer too. He’s dating YANG now! How they ended up together I do not know. I would ask you to give me some tips how to be a lady killer but I’m a one ladies man, (ermz) totally in love and…….umm happy with what I have at the moment….. (Tom's smack bang in the centre in the white next to me)


At Dazzas apart having a bbq, daz showing off his assI had outings with Darren 4 times before leaving for Japan last year. First time was at some restaurant near the beach in Port Melbourne, 2nd time was at Mosquitoes in Clifton Hill, 3rd time was a Chinese BBQ at his apartment and the last time was at my 24th b’day party. Wow my memory is great! Daz is also a lady killer, he scored Loz! Him and Tom must have been hanging out together heaps while I was in Japan. It’s sad to not see you when I get back to Melbourne next year mate. All the best in Malaysia!


Little Dr. Avenell! Met this genius from Perth in June 2005. Mish has got a really multicultural family. First thought of him; who’s this Eurasian dude? Why’s he using such strange and big words like LOVELY, ENVIRONMENT, PNEUMONOULTRAMICROSCOPICSILICOVOLCANOCONIOSIS!! Anyways he’s moved to Melbourne now. I don’t know how he lived and survived with Mish, I went crazy after the first week in Japan and he seemed to stay sane for many months. Good luck with your studies. Enjoy Mish’s absence and bossiness while she’s away.

Here's everyone at me 24th birthday dinner. (back L-R) Tom, Yang (wooo was something going on there already?) Anthony? (can't remember his name) Darren, (Middle) June, Linda, Loz, (Front) Lorena, Julia, ?, Mish, Ave, Shelz

June I also saw at Mish’s 18th birthday but there wasn’t a Draculas 2002peak from her at all that night. Another snob like Julz; with her black-framed glasses and slightly orange-brown hair. Geeez Ma-lay-shi-anh tu-gud-fur mee oneeee…. First memory of June was her surprised birthday party; a lot of effort was involved, including blind folding her, taking her to a secret location and then hand cuffing her to a chair, (ok that last part I think is another memory of someone else and it ain’t Mish muahaha) but DRACULAS was where we went. I’ve seen June go through a major transition the last 5 or 6 years. From glasses to contacts, Uncool to cool to uncool phases, June, it’s been a pleasure.


At Crown foodcourt 2001, Me in the black, Phil in blue, Shelz to the side and mish with the cameraGOR
I met shelz on the same day that I first met Mish, Her and some other gay people went to a few university open days and I happened to be in the city and so we caught up. I don’t remember Shelz that day; she was really hard to spot because every time she turned sideways she disappeared. Hahaha But my first real memory of Sheila was also at Mish’s 18th birthday. Me, Phil, Mish and Sheila was in the food court at crown and Sheila kept making all these dirty kinky remarks, then she dared Mish to drink a bottle of Fanta that I had put some of my fried rice in. Mish took up the dare and it put me right off!! Red fanta with lemon sauced fried rice ewwww That was 7 years ago but im sad to say Sheila’s still strange.


Unknown said...

Gem your puppy is EXTREMELY cute has it got it name? let me guess its some kinda cute jap name?

Thanks for the lil dedication thing...but are u saying im in the uncool phase now :( ewww i hate that group foto...lolz...but i guess we've all changed huh..

Did u know i dont think ive ever seen u when u had that hair style in the pic where u guys are at the foodcourt..i had to look that really u GEM? lolz love the beads ur wearing! gangster moite!

Hope Japan is treating u well..hahah dont go wondering too much without mish there.. lolz

Anonymous said...

woohhhhhhhhhhh gem u look SKINNIER in that pic from sheilas testi....HAAA..u were speaking the truth all this time wen u said that b4 u had met mish u were skinnier...haha..and all this time i thought u were pulling crap from ur tooshi... ~~ btw where u getting all these awful pics from >.< sheeeesh such embarassments!!

Gemmish said...

GEM: WOW WOW WOW people are actually commenting! how excitement!!!!

anyways June i only made up the "cool phase" to make it seem like you've gone through many transitions but in actual fact the "COOL PHASE" never existed hahaha joking... u know ur always a kool kat in my eyes with ya sickass lexus! RICH!! My pups got no name yet, its my parents so i dont have any say i guess. i named my first one and they ended up changing it newayz haha that's the level of my influence at home.

LOZ: "such embarrassments" eyyy good use of Japanese English!!! i told you i was skinner!! no one believed me, Mish turned me fat, u know how she eats!! i was like shelz size prior...

i have many pics, i just havent had time to go through em properly. More will come muahahah

Exams in 2 days NOOOOOO