Monday, June 18, 2007

Back and first impressions

I’m back in Japan!! So tiredddd!! Sydney airport really screwed me up. I didn’t know that the domestic section and international section were at two different buildings and that you need to take a bus to get to the international side. I had a one hour transit upon landing at the domestic terminal and spent 40minutes lost with no one around to ask being 9pm at night. I finally get to the gate on time all tired and sweaty having ran through customs etc and find out my flight was delay by 1.5hours. Grrrr o wells at least I didn’t miss my flight. I flew QANTAS on an AIRBUS plane, it was pretty good, a lot of space, entertainment was good, airplane was new and food was quiet good. I’ll definitely fly QANTAS again; however QANTAS’s domestic plane from Melbourne to Sydney was a little crappy.

Although it wasn’t really that hot today in Japan, I’ve had two showers today already. I can’t imagine how it’ll be when it reaches the peak of summer. I nearly died last year. Then to top it off, I went to the ATM to get some money for food having only 5000 yen (approx $50) on me and the ATM gave me some error message and didn’t give me any money arghhh $50 to last me 10 days till Mish comes back. A little tight but I think I could do it! Anyways just in case I needed the extra dough I rang the bank and use my broken Japanese to get a translator and now I have money YAY!! It’s been a longggg day!

Meeting everyone again back in Melbourne was nice, most people have boyfriends now, which is lovely because it doesn’t make me look like such a pimp being the only boy hanging out with so many girls anymore. Thanks to all that came to the last big gathering last Friday night. It was exciting seeing everyone again. It made me think about the time I first met everyone and my impressions of them.


I remember meeting her at Mish’s 18th birthday party in 2001 at Crown. She wore super baggy pants with a rainbow colored scarf. Maybe Julz was just quiet and shy but my first impression was that she was really snobby, acted like she was too cool for school haha but after knowing her properly I came to realize that she was just a dork!!! I think it took over 3 years before me and Julia started to become good friends. Yes that’s how snobby she was. I remember her saying to me not long after that, “Gem your hairstyle is sooo fashionable, you’re so cool, please be my friend”. (GOSH!)

Julia with Guy Sebastian
A photo of Julia 5 minutes after she came off the boat., unfortunately now she has been deported back to where she came from. The other one is her with Guy Sebastian haha

I think it was on the same day that I met Loretta, Mish’s 18th birthday, but it was a dinner at Box hill with Me, Mish, Loz and Phil that we formally met. Phil and I drove up to take them out for dinner and I remembered Loretta eating really slowww and Mish kept getting embarrassed at us watching her eat. Towards the end of the night Mish and Loz played dumb and told me they don’t know their way home from Box hill and so made me drive around for an extra 40 minutes, giving me gay ass directions (to Billy’s house) and wasted 30 bucks worth of petrol to find his and their house. I remembered thinking to myself, “Gosh these posh people from Doncaster are really dumb, they don’t even know where they live”. Not long after that Loz started to dislike me, still to this day I don’t know why that was the
case, but now she loves me so that’s ok. Haha

A young Loretta greasing the camera at Nandos Chaddy with Uncle Jase a few years ago. She looks the same don't ya think?

More first impressions and old photos to come next time.

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