Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Linda after landing on the shores of Australia from IndiaTrying to gobble the entire cakeI met her at Monash, I was really shy when I met her knowing that Mish had shared many things about our relationship with Linda. We met outside the main library; I struggled to see Linda’s appearance properly that day because so many people were walking by and all I could see were pairs of knee caps; a quick glimpse of Linda’s face before another a few pairs of knee caps passed by covering her face again haha And what did we do after we first met? Naturally we went to the food court and ate!

(Michelle) Yang

Which brings me to Yang. I met Linda and Yang on the same day and place. Yang had (and still does) really bright red cheeks. It’s like she has a tomato for a head at times when she’s blushing. What struck me about Yang was at the canteen she ordered only (I think it was) steamed carrots and that was all she had for lunch, no sauce, no dressing no nothing. I didn’t realize she was a vegetarian and thought she was either really povo or just weird haha I mean who has just carrots for lunch? Not in my world up till then anyways. Yang was a rare breed because she was the first vegetarian I met. To date I think I’ve met Yang less than 15 times, but our many special outings (e.g GOR) and verbal harassments every time I go to put a piece of meat in my gob have made us amigos.


Last but not least, ”The Empress!” My first thoughts when I saw her, “she’s got some weird ass eyes”, “her facial feature combinations make her look like an outer space creature”, when she smiled at me for the first time and tried acting all cute, I cringed!! (Immediate thought), “OMG I feel sorry for whoever becomes her boyfriend in the future, poor bastard!” and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!! They say bad people get punished which fair enough, BUT WHAT DID I DO!@!? Putting aside the bossing, food restrictions and occasional beatings I love this chick to death, (prob more that she loves shopping, gosh is that even possible?) Probably marry her one-day when she decides to proposes to me. As I’ve told many people, I’m already suffering as it is, why would “I” propose and put my life into endless years of sufferance?!

what the hell is this haha

Ahh so many memories with you guys, from throwing up on Mish, Linda curling my hair, our weekend trips, all the birthdays parties, balls, clubbing and meals we’ve had together, starting from being strangers to you guys (in your own mind thinking I’m your) best friend. Good times!

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