Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Googled 'nova' and just came across some random girl's blog. It just so happened she was an x-nova teacher from the same area as us. Anyway read her blog and it was really interesting...I could relate to alot of things she wrote...aanndd...its motivated me to update this blog more often, so please do come and check up more regularly and don't forget to drop us some comments!! =)

Today was our day off...and suprise suprise once again we did nothing interesting...started the day with lunch at this cheap restaurant (we are on a budget at the moment you see...i spent quite abit of money when i went to tokyo last week), then went to do some grocery shopping and bought neccessities for our house. Later went to Yodobashi and I bought us a MICROWAVE!!!! I'm soooo happy we finally have one!!! Quite silly how I only get a microwave 6 months after I arrive...but you see...i thought we could do without...but its been quite hard and with winter just around the corner...I thought we better buy one and just make the most of it till we leave and perhaps we could give it to Alain or Yuuko when we go.

Also did a massive clean up job at home today...Gem was assigned the bathroom and me the kitchen....I spent like over an hour scrubbing...i don't think I've ever done so much housework before in my life..prepping me for the future i guess..(my job as a housewife hehe =P)!!

Gonna meet up with Yuuko tomorrow whilst Gem's doing overtime in Oyama. Dallas has left now for Australia but I dont know how much different it will be. I met his girlfriend for the first time the other day and she is soooo nice...they are totally the opposite to one another...I don't know how they have stayed together for so long...but then again...Gem and I are quite the opposite too...I guess opposites do attract after all!


Anonymous said...

A message for a message

u spent a lot at tokyo last week? did u buy anything? i didnt realize u bought anything! onli the socks from GAP. or did u go shopping after i went to airport?

Gemmish said...

GEM: so June, are u saying u had a wet dream about mish the other day?? ewww haha