Sunday, October 08, 2006

My best friend - the toilet!

The toilet was my best friend last nite. I experienced the first time ever being totally maggoted, off my face, drunk as a lord, watever u wanna call it. I always thought of myself being quiet strong when it comes to alcohol but was shamefully outdone by a Scotsman. how shameful!! hahaha I think mish was quiet stunned and also annoyed after she saw the state i was in when i came home 3am in the morning, and she has every right to. (sorry babe) i didnt realise how badly i reacted to the alcohol yesterday either. i havent talked to mish today yet so i cant ask her what happened. i remember waking up and finding myself on the toilet floor numerous times not knowing how i got there in the first place. haha i fnk i spewed on the floor next to the bed too. eww

anyways the nite started at ethan's apartment where we had a few drinks to start the night, vodka coke, rum coke, red wine, beer. we decided to head out and i was already tipsy when i was trying to ride my bike down the road. We hit a club called Birdie land (i think, cant remember), the club was jammed packed with guys, and not jap guys, but white guys, latino guys, african wanna be american looking dudes. there were like 10 girls there and obviously already being chatted up, so we went for a few more drinks, tequila shots, tequila and tonic, drinks are so cheap here. 5bucks a shotie. Must of been the alcohol talking but everyone i met that night for some reason i kept telling them i was JAY Z... lol i started speaking Japanese i didnt know (at least i tink it was japanese i was saying) and dancing with random guys on the dancefloor on my way to the toilet to spew. The club was alright, only bad thing was that the toilet could onli fit one person at a time, so if u wanted to spew u would have to hold it in until it was your turn. Not a good idea at all.

All i can remember is not being able to open my eyes fully, those of you who know me know my eyes are huge, i could have my eyes closed and it'l look bigger than mishes so called one line eyes, yet it was a struggle. i cant even remember how i got home, but my bike is downstairs so im assuming i somehow managed to ride home. Took a sickie today, massive hangover, dont tink'l be drinking dat much again for a while. Although in my drunken state, i still remember a classic one liner from mish last nite. She questions why i was throwing up black and when i told her it was prob the vegies (high priced) she responds by saying, "Wat a waste, if i knew you were going to drink i wouldnt have let you eaten it" *shakes head*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The black was prob bourban Mish so dont feel so bad ;)
Great news Cavill also joining us in Japan!