Thursday, October 26, 2006

Another day another 2 dollars

Was looking through me old photo album and look what i came across hahaha

24th bday cake msg

Received my first complaint today regarding my teaching quality at my home branch. I aint gonna make up excuses why i sucked, but i will take it as constructive criticism. grr i must say the situation doesnt really motivated me to go into work tommorrow. Anyway... been doing heaps of kids reports lately. I actually feel like a real teacher doing these reports. Its good though, its a chance for me to get all the little brats that make my job difficult payback... giving them low marks and all muahahaha

Just came back from having a late night supper with my branch manager. I guess you can call him my closest friend here. He's from Melbourne also, so theres' much more of a connection between us, knowing the same places and all. Turns out we have a mutual friend we know back home which was such a coincidence. What a small world it is. Anyways our conversations always end up being about girls, boy talk, secret mens' business stuff. We were talking about this girl hes been courting. Brings back memories of what it was like to be single. How i miss that initial courting stage. My favorite part of a relationship.

I walked into a girls toilet by "accident" the other day. The total shame and embarrassment i felt when i walked out realising it was the ladies room. I did find it strange how there was no urinals when i first walked in, but thought nothing of it and thought a cubical would give me the same satisfaction. The total shock i got when i opened the door to find a woman standing at the taps. And not to mention the horror on her face when she saw me. lol Anyways on my way out i saw a few more girls entering the toilet and when they saw me walk out they had thought they went to the wrong toilet and had to walk back out and double check themselves. I dont think i've ever walked so fast in my life.

I heard from a little bee that there was an earthquake in Melbourne the other day. WDH i thought Australia was earthquake free!! hope everybody is ok and it didnt cause to much damage. If mish was still in Melb, maybe you could of pointed the finger at her for causing the quake if she fell or something but she's not atm so *shrugs*

Weather in Japan has been shocking, super windy, raining some days and other days its so so but very cold at night. Not what i imagine Autumn to be like. My headphones for my O2 mp3 player busted the other day. Worst part is cause its a PDA normal headphone jacks are too big and i cant seem to find anywhere that sells an adapter. Its like torture riding to work with music only coming out of the left ear. Just doesnt sound the same. Might need to order some new headphones online. Hopefully they'l ship to Japan.


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