Friday, September 29, 2006


G'day all, havent been able to update much since we've been too busy or too lazy... working like crazy or recovering from going out so much. Next month because im doing overtime and shift swaps with the other teachers, i get like 3 days off for the ENTIRE month... "ENTIRE month"!!... whoaaa gonna be so tired. Its a good way to save money though since i wont have much time to go out. But then again, work is so laid back and relaxed here, everyday feels like a weekend to me... going out on a work day and coming home at 3am doesnt seem too bad anymore... Mish and i are going to start traveling around Japan more within the coming months. We wanna visit a few amusement parks, (il make sure i wont eat before going on the rides so the moomba incident wont happen again) and a few touristsy attraction places... wanna go snowboarding as well when Winter comes... cant wait!!

The more i live with Mish, the more of a titeass ive realise she is!!! she's always complaining about how im unable to save, yet upon coming to Japan i had to fork out over 2k to buy a laptop for usage in Japan, im paying for the internet we use here and just last week i had to fork out another 300bucks to buy an external hard drive for the time we'l be here. Yet she hogs the comp EVERYDAY for hours on end, when everyting all belongs to ME, (but im not bitter about it or anyting) and then complains i ignore her when im on the net for 10mins or so. When we got here i had to buy her a mobile phone cause she was too tite to get one herself. And the titeass moment of the century, She self confessed to me the other day... Because she is too tite to buy fruits cuz prices are sky high here, she frequently goes to the supermarket on her lunch breaks where she works and eats all the little pieces of fruits they cut up for sample taste testing... OMG!!!! definitely chinese ancestory!!


Anonymous said...

I love reading your page it is so funny...Mish don't feel bad being a titeass it is hard when you are travelling and away from home. Oh I am surprised at the "fart tally" who knew Mish was such a farter :) Anyways Mervelle and I will see you at the end of Jan yay!!

Gemmish said...

deelllll....dont believe everything jeremy writes about meee hahah...!! and the fart tally its sooo wrong toooo..grr...hehe