Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Googled 'nova' and just came across some random girl's blog. It just so happened she was an x-nova teacher from the same area as us. Anyway read her blog and it was really interesting...I could relate to alot of things she wrote...aanndd...its motivated me to update this blog more often, so please do come and check up more regularly and don't forget to drop us some comments!! =)

Today was our day off...and suprise suprise once again we did nothing interesting...started the day with lunch at this cheap restaurant (we are on a budget at the moment you see...i spent quite abit of money when i went to tokyo last week), then went to do some grocery shopping and bought neccessities for our house. Later went to Yodobashi and I bought us a MICROWAVE!!!! I'm soooo happy we finally have one!!! Quite silly how I only get a microwave 6 months after I arrive...but you see...i thought we could do without...but its been quite hard and with winter just around the corner...I thought we better buy one and just make the most of it till we leave and perhaps we could give it to Alain or Yuuko when we go.

Also did a massive clean up job at home today...Gem was assigned the bathroom and me the kitchen....I spent like over an hour scrubbing...i don't think I've ever done so much housework before in my life..prepping me for the future i guess..(my job as a housewife hehe =P)!!

Gonna meet up with Yuuko tomorrow whilst Gem's doing overtime in Oyama. Dallas has left now for Australia but I dont know how much different it will be. I met his girlfriend for the first time the other day and she is soooo nice...they are totally the opposite to one another...I don't know how they have stayed together for so long...but then again...Gem and I are quite the opposite too...I guess opposites do attract after all!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Jeremy's Blog

Jeremy's blog - this is what our page has turned into since mish has been so lazy. All she does is eat and sleep. Poor me cleaning, cooking, feeding the kids, etc etc

Anyways payday was just last Wednesday woo hoo, everybody was so broke. Alain and i was up to our last thousand yen on the last day (equivalent to 10AUD) for food and leisure. Ended up going to eat budget food. 4 bucks for a pasta 2 bucks for a all your can drink card and 4 bucks for snacks from the supermarket. Feels great to have money now. And guess wat we did as soon as we got paid, SHOPPING!! yes SHOPPING. Went to visit a massive outlet store (picture below) with yuuko, (Michelle's only friend in Japan). Ended up buying stuff that i didnt need. Mish the tightass didnt buy much. She's so tight now she's steals my clothes to wear!! pjz, tshirts, jackets and undies. (joking, ermz not really). She also convinces me that i should buy certain things because she wants to wear it sometime in the near future, for eg. the yellow and white stripe adidas zip up in the Sano photos is mine. The mickey mouse zip hoddy in the Tokyu hands is mind, as well as the black tshirt in the rabbit photo. geeeez so if u were wondering why things look oversize, now u know the reason
Sano with Yuuko The lastest trend - Otaku power!!
Anywayz organized a karaoke night and only cool people were invited. So if ur reading this and ur not in the photo (reality check - ur not cool!!) if u've notice mish is not in it either.....

Lil miki (which is the chick in the top left of the picture) is mish's new recruit to her group, (the fat gang) They go running once a week, for tens minutes per session hoping to lose weight. Lil miki actually use to work wif me and is also a japanese staff at nova who recently transfered to mishes branch. Alain, my AT (Assistant Trainer aka boss) is one of my good friends here. He's from Melbourne too.
karaoke wif the crew - yuuko, lil miki, me and alain
Lil chubby Joyce came to Japan a few days back, so we headed out to Tokyo to meet her. She stayed in a hotel in Shinzuku (real pronounciation SHINJUKU). I personally don't think we were good hosts, (sorry Shinzuku Joyce). Due to time contraints we were only able to head out to the Shibuya and Shinjuku area.
Lil joyce and her twin long lost sister The sumos in Tokyu hands
mish and mr rabbit hiding behind the curtains
Just to clear something up for any potential visitors, we live 2.5hrs from Tokyo. Alot of people think we live quiet close but we're based out in the sticks.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's someone's birthday today...

To think we were once strangers....seems like we've know each other for ages!! Anyway can't wait till you and lorena come and visit me hehe...we'll have lotsa fun!!!


Hope all your wishes come true...Cheers!!! =)

Friday, November 10, 2006

Visitor number 2 - d jods

if anyone has been wondering why it's been mainly me that's been writing lately, its cuz mish is too lazy to do it now. Anywayz great news, Jodie came to visit us!! Has anyone ever heard Jodie sneeze? Sounds exactly like a cough. When she sneezes i dont know if she's coughing or sneezing haha. Oh and a it has been confirmed that lil joyce will be coming at the end of the month to visit as well...

If your wondering what the picture of the briefcase is, to make a long story short, work was throwing heaps of packaged tissues away because the promotion for this month was over and i thought it was such a waste so i took it all home. That's how i packaged it home. I thought it looked pretty cool, looks like a briefcase full of money.

The local utsunomiya police have been on high alert lately. I keep getting pulled over when riding my bike. DOn't know why they always pick me when its meant to be random. I look so innocent too. But den as soon as i start speaking english, they get al nervous and left me off. Actually i feel kinda dorkish and geeky riding my bike sometimes. Its kinda embarrassing especially riding home from work and with my students driving by and seeing me on my little red bike.

anyways was smiling today and saw myself in a mirror, ive realised something that has made me quiet sad. its my face. its very expressionless. Because i have such big cheeks, when i go to make a smirk, little smile or any expression, it looks the same as though ive done nothing. Why du i have to have such fat cheeks!!! Anywayz so i was smiling about something this morning when i walked passed the mirror, and when i saw myself I was surprised to see my face looking sooo expressionless!! so den i took a few steps back while holding my facial expression which was meant to be smiling and just felt So sad, so sad... whys is it that wen i put on weight it al goes straight to my cheeks? (ah hum, face) Even my 4-6year olds kinder kids pinch my cheeks when i teach them and its meant to be the other way around.

Thanks for the hair brush Jodie!

Jodie outside Utsunomiya station Free briefcase of tissues
(gem) people say i resemble this character what you fink? another random photo of when we went to Nikko last week
Gems and mish's trying to be artistic photo shots - which u fink is better?
Gem's shot Mish's shot

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Nikko is Nippon

We only live 45 minutes from Nikko, but 5 months later (yesterday) we finally made our way up there with Yuuko. Apparently its the best time of the year to go as the leaves are changing colours. It was fully packed with tourists. Anyway, mainly checked out Lake Chuzenji, Kegon Falls and the surrounding areas and had yuba (famous in Nikko) for lunch. Was disappointed we didn't see any monkeys, deers, bears etc. that we heard plenty about. Wanted to check out the World Heritage areas but got there too late. Gotta make another trip up there again before we leave this time to check out the other side like Kirifuri etc.
Kegon Falls Yuuko's natural shot
Lake Chuzenjiko
Chuzenji Lake again Scenary from the boat ride
michelle's obssession - a mini artifical island in the middle of nowhere Cable cars at Akechidaira
Anyways we bought some Nikko chocolate mochi but unforunately before we had even boarded the train back home we had finished it all, as you can see in the picture. The box colour and shape is nice though.
One of the shrinesEmpty chocolate box