Monday, August 07, 2006

Utsunomiya Festival

During the weekend we went to the Utsunomiya Festival. It was held just outside our house, all down the main road, and some other roads. Japanese people really know how to celebrate and when they do everyone attends!!! I can't believe the number of people that went...I didnt know so many people lived here in Utsunomiya...there was like probably a million people or close to that!!! And all the chicks were dressed up in their prettttyyy....i want to get one!!!
Orion MallLotsa people!!
Us GirlsArthur, Rachel, Erik, Ethan, Gem, Rachel, Sakura, Miyuki, Yuko and Me
Sorry if the pics are abit blur...I think I wrecked Gem's camera, it doesn't have flash anymore and doesnt take motion shots...gonna get it check out tomorrow...
Rachel lookin' gorgeous in her yukataThe toilet roll Gem stole from work!!! LOL Purikura
we are so so poor at the moment.... well at least i am anyways.. onli got 20bucks left to last me til payday which is next tuesday. How am i gonna survive!!?! arghh Mish poos sooooo much here!! hahah we've actually ran out of toilet paper recently and have been using the free tissues they give out on the street. I actually had to wash my ass the other day cuz we're povo, lol onli joking (ermz maybe). But all good things much come to an end... we ran out of those free tissues as well yesterday, so i had to borrow some toilet paper from work today. (see above) i took a half used roll of toilet paper from work hahaha i promise to return it when we get paid next week. i'l just use half and i'l secretly put it back where i found it last. Ive counted, i need to return 129 sheets.

JOHARI WINDOW can u please do this for me?--> THANKS!!!


Anonymous said...

ewwww...don't think we need to know the details of your toiletary habits! (even is it is a joke lol) But anyway, since you're on the subject, we watched a video about Mary Mallon (typhoid Mary...remember?) and it was talkin about the spread of typhoid in the early 1900's or late 1800's. Typhoid was spread by bacteria (typhus bacilli) Mary Mallon to wealthy families...coz she cooked for them! The thing is, when you go to the toilet, you get faecal matter (or residues or whateva) on your hands. She couldn't wash her hands well enough to get all of it the bacteria contaminated the food...and that was how it was communicated to other ppl. Anyway, the point is, if Mish poos so much (lol) I expect that she should wash her hands constantly, like someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder lol. Or is she passing on all her faecal bacteria to you?????

Anonymous said...

oops...i meant typhoid was being spread by Mary Mallon (amongst others) to wealthy families

Gemmish said...

do the symptoms include; looking cool, handsome facial features and a smokingly great body??? if so, yeps! ive got the disease. gulp!! how to cure ave?

Anonymous said...

Oh!!! Those symptoms DO seem to ring a bell! It seems that you are presenting with a severe case of the disease, given that these symptoms have manifested so strongly in you! Poor gem! well, now for the cure? Well, LOTS and LOTS of rest... perhaps some of those concubines to help out... and someone else in the household to vacuum, clean, wash, cook..... I wonder who you could get to do all of that for you? Perhaps another person close to you with whom you live? Maybe your partner would be the best in this situation. Your concubines should be engaged in fulfilling your other, more immediate needs.

Anonymous said...

LOL AV!!! I ban you from talkin to gem and fillin his head with all these bad bad bad ideas!!!! haha

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, hows you 2 doing there? Good to hear you're having fun and stealing toilet paper. Try not to overspend againla guys..heheheh...well take care and God bless!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Oh you guys! I am so envious! I miss travelling - it sounds like things are going great there! I love the pics 2!

Anonymous said...

Oh you guys I love your blog. It makes me miss travel even more, I really want to come to Japan and visit you. Love the pics.