Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Our weekend

Ohhh before I tell u about our weekend, the other day Gem did something really sweet for me...he prepared a candlelight dinner for the both of us and got me these flowers in a noodlebox hehe..very cute!!! awwwww....if only he was like this everydayyyyy hehhe...
Our KitchenThanks Gem...Nice eh?A shop on Harajuku Street haha..named 'Bruce Pee'
Anyway yesterday did another round of Tokyo, this time to go shopping for the Gemster. He was in search for some summer clothes as its still really hot here. We went to the usual places Shibuya and Harajuku(where i saw the hottest guy ever$ in the whole wide world)...and later we went to Ikebukuro. I think it was our first time there...He blew a load of yen on these new funky glasses he bought hahah...but i must say it looks pretty cool...
What do u think of Gem's new glasses?This is where we had dinner yesterday!!
Today met up with Yuko and Sakura to check out some second hand bikes and later went to karaoke. Its was our first time going karaoke since we arrived in Japan. Its sooooooo cheap here to go karaoke here..100Yen (~$1) per person per hour inclusive of a drink, can u believe it?? It was so fun!! Sakura's voice was amazing!!! She sang Yuna Ito's 'Endless Love' and she sounded exactly like her. Eventually we persuaded Sakura and Jeremy to do a recording together hahah...some Disney classics. They ended up singing 'A whole new world' and 'Beauty and the Beast' together now we have it on cd. Sakura's gona burn some copies for us...ill try and upload it once i get it hehe =P
Yuko, Gem & Sakura at KaraokeMe hoggin the mics hehe
Oh and some people have requested pics of our bikes hahah here they are!! Enjoy~
Gem on his bikeMe!

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