Thursday, August 24, 2006


omg omg omg my best friend's coming next week to visit meee n gem!!! i still cant believe ittt.....happy happy joy joy!!

two brats in the same house... oh i feel so jollified...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to Basics

Yo peeps, our net at home is down at the moment so havent been able to update or write blogs lately... not sure what happened but it suddenly didnt work no more, after 14000 phone calls to YAHOO BB we`ve had no luck cuz absolutely nobody speaks english. Thinking of disconnecting it too but not sure how we`re gonna be able to communicate that across either. So until then consider us to have dissappeared off the face of the earth. Check our page periodically in case we shall return if the world needs saving, ermz... think of us like SUPERMAN.... Megamish (Mega as in MEGA-fat) and Supergem.

Its been so boring with no net. nothing to watch, download, no one chat with. Its like living in 1935, all thats missing is the antique furniture from mishes house. Guess we gotta go make our own fun now. Gonna go hang out with the boys on wedz-dee nite, its like a multicultural gang... there`s one guy from Scottland (i can imitate him pretty good now, i love the scottish accent), one guys from New york, New Zealand, and gonna be a few others from England and Ireland. Gonna be checking out a few jazz clubs/bars as well within the next week or so... wanna find a nice place that i can go to a few times a month.

Julz, we wrote that postcard one month ago but have been to lazy to post it... u got it pretty fast... only one week hahaha...

thanks for all ur comments guys and gals, its nice to read up on it and see who`s actually checking out our page. We even get comments from ppl we dont even know which is kinda nice haha.

anyways at a public computer so cant stay long. about my recording, ermzz the more i listen to it the more embarrassed i get. so no comment from me.

P.s just so everyone knows im returning a half used roll of toilet paper back at work on Thursday!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Utsunomiya Festival

During the weekend we went to the Utsunomiya Festival. It was held just outside our house, all down the main road, and some other roads. Japanese people really know how to celebrate and when they do everyone attends!!! I can't believe the number of people that went...I didnt know so many people lived here in Utsunomiya...there was like probably a million people or close to that!!! And all the chicks were dressed up in their prettttyyy....i want to get one!!!
Orion MallLotsa people!!
Us GirlsArthur, Rachel, Erik, Ethan, Gem, Rachel, Sakura, Miyuki, Yuko and Me
Sorry if the pics are abit blur...I think I wrecked Gem's camera, it doesn't have flash anymore and doesnt take motion shots...gonna get it check out tomorrow...
Rachel lookin' gorgeous in her yukataThe toilet roll Gem stole from work!!! LOL Purikura
we are so so poor at the moment.... well at least i am anyways.. onli got 20bucks left to last me til payday which is next tuesday. How am i gonna survive!!?! arghh Mish poos sooooo much here!! hahah we've actually ran out of toilet paper recently and have been using the free tissues they give out on the street. I actually had to wash my ass the other day cuz we're povo, lol onli joking (ermz maybe). But all good things much come to an end... we ran out of those free tissues as well yesterday, so i had to borrow some toilet paper from work today. (see above) i took a half used roll of toilet paper from work hahaha i promise to return it when we get paid next week. i'l just use half and i'l secretly put it back where i found it last. Ive counted, i need to return 129 sheets.

JOHARI WINDOW can u please do this for me?--> THANKS!!!

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Whoaaa massive festival outside... so so so so many hot chicks in their yukata's. Apparently they wear nothing underneath it... anyways gotta go downstairs and get meself some eye candy...

Gem and Sakura singing at karaoke: <-- What do u think??

I know its a little out of tune =P

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Our weekend

Ohhh before I tell u about our weekend, the other day Gem did something really sweet for me...he prepared a candlelight dinner for the both of us and got me these flowers in a noodlebox hehe..very cute!!! awwwww....if only he was like this everydayyyyy hehhe...
Our KitchenThanks Gem...Nice eh?A shop on Harajuku Street haha..named 'Bruce Pee'
Anyway yesterday did another round of Tokyo, this time to go shopping for the Gemster. He was in search for some summer clothes as its still really hot here. We went to the usual places Shibuya and Harajuku(where i saw the hottest guy ever$ in the whole wide world)...and later we went to Ikebukuro. I think it was our first time there...He blew a load of yen on these new funky glasses he bought hahah...but i must say it looks pretty cool...
What do u think of Gem's new glasses?This is where we had dinner yesterday!!
Today met up with Yuko and Sakura to check out some second hand bikes and later went to karaoke. Its was our first time going karaoke since we arrived in Japan. Its sooooooo cheap here to go karaoke here..100Yen (~$1) per person per hour inclusive of a drink, can u believe it?? It was so fun!! Sakura's voice was amazing!!! She sang Yuna Ito's 'Endless Love' and she sounded exactly like her. Eventually we persuaded Sakura and Jeremy to do a recording together hahah...some Disney classics. They ended up singing 'A whole new world' and 'Beauty and the Beast' together now we have it on cd. Sakura's gona burn some copies for us...ill try and upload it once i get it hehe =P
Yuko, Gem & Sakura at KaraokeMe hoggin the mics hehe
Oh and some people have requested pics of our bikes hahah here they are!! Enjoy~
Gem on his bikeMe!