Thursday, October 04, 2007

Honeymoon stage: OVER!!

Yesterday was me and me best mate's last day working together. It's not gonna be the same without him. Actually my branch have lost 4 teachers in the last month or so. First it was Karl who transferred up North, then it was Neil and Helen who went back home and now it's Alain turn who's just gotten another job, since NOVA is so insecure at the moment. Good luck to em all! The Bell Mall group dynamic was so great too, now with all the new teachers it's a little strange. Actually theres new teachers everywhere up here now, (THE ORIGINAL GROUP IS GONE!!) but at my branch at the moment there are 3 girls and one old dude, making me the official number one STUD of BELL MALL!!! Unfortunately it wasn't through a student election or anything but more a natural flow of status since Alain's gone and me being the only guy under 55 years old. Also with him gone it also makes me the most experienced instructor there, with 1.5 years of experience which just means i'll be doing everything arghhh

With the original crew of when i started gone, everyday is beginning to feel like actual work. It use to be like hanging out with mates, piss farting around at the office. I actually use to look forward to going to work everyday, now i dread it like every other job i've had. My motivation to conduct good lessons have also gone down. I think it's a sign that my teaching time is Japan is up. Even the original students are slowly dissappearing as the weeks go by. SADNESS!!!

Anyways good news is AKIRA (my stalker) hasn't attempted to contact me anymore, PHEW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.