Friday, September 29, 2006


G'day all, havent been able to update much since we've been too busy or too lazy... working like crazy or recovering from going out so much. Next month because im doing overtime and shift swaps with the other teachers, i get like 3 days off for the ENTIRE month... "ENTIRE month"!!... whoaaa gonna be so tired. Its a good way to save money though since i wont have much time to go out. But then again, work is so laid back and relaxed here, everyday feels like a weekend to me... going out on a work day and coming home at 3am doesnt seem too bad anymore... Mish and i are going to start traveling around Japan more within the coming months. We wanna visit a few amusement parks, (il make sure i wont eat before going on the rides so the moomba incident wont happen again) and a few touristsy attraction places... wanna go snowboarding as well when Winter comes... cant wait!!

The more i live with Mish, the more of a titeass ive realise she is!!! she's always complaining about how im unable to save, yet upon coming to Japan i had to fork out over 2k to buy a laptop for usage in Japan, im paying for the internet we use here and just last week i had to fork out another 300bucks to buy an external hard drive for the time we'l be here. Yet she hogs the comp EVERYDAY for hours on end, when everyting all belongs to ME, (but im not bitter about it or anyting) and then complains i ignore her when im on the net for 10mins or so. When we got here i had to buy her a mobile phone cause she was too tite to get one herself. And the titeass moment of the century, She self confessed to me the other day... Because she is too tite to buy fruits cuz prices are sky high here, she frequently goes to the supermarket on her lunch breaks where she works and eats all the little pieces of fruits they cut up for sample taste testing... OMG!!!! definitely chinese ancestory!!

Monday, September 25, 2006


Getting lazy to update this page now...I'm waiting for Jeremy to come back home...Had a pretty good week at work. The week flew by pretty fast. We will be doing abit of overtime the coming month so we will be really flat out. One of my favourite students is leaving soon. He's going to Australia to study english. He had a going away party the other night, below are some pics.
Byeeee HideooooShouki singing to Neil LoL
Anyway Julia's in Milano, Italy now!!! We had a little voice chat the other day on MSN after accidently finding out Jeremy's laptop has an inbuilt mic. I wonder if I can Skype with my family back home, perhaps I'll try later.

During the bus ride on the way back from work today, I thought about my mum, I do miss her, it still doesn't feel real that she is gone. They'd be no problems back home if she was still around.

Anyway anyway guess what? I came across the first mean, rude Japanese person the other day and it so happened to be in the toilets haha..She's the cleaning lady at the shopping centre where I work. I can't be bothered going into the story but anyways after the toilet incident, everytime she sees me now, she greases me!!! haha...

Going to go have some party gyoza and flied lice with Gem now.

See you rater!!! (Don't you just love Japlish!!) Peace out~ Ruv Micherre

Monday, September 18, 2006

Don't worry, I remembered!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINDA!!! Hope you have a great day~ Hope you like the gift I got ya!!! hehe

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Maid Cafe

We went to a maid cafe last night straight after work and it was nothing like we pictured it to be. (i was expecting it to be like a hostess bar, being raunchy and stuff but) It was like 10 times crapper, the place was small, super bright and there were only 3 maids (none of which looked attractive at all), the drinks/service was crap too and expensive, 5bucks to play darts for 10mins only. But it was an experience in itself I guess, plus I was the only female customer hahah. I quiet like the service though, everytime someone went to the toilet they would notice and give you a wet towel to wipe your hands once u get back to your seat, sweeto! We didn't stay long, headed to an izakaya for drinks and dinner and enjoyed that! Below are some pics... didnt end up getting home til 3:30am, and we both had to wake up at 8ish the next day, whoaa i had a super bad headache from drinking some super strong sake and was buggered the next day at work. Dont think i'l be doing this as often as i would like to.
Outside Milk Maid lolAll of us at Watame - Peace!!!
The Boys - J, Mike, Tomo, Shouki, Hideo, Gem, Adam Shouki after the effects of sake!!
Anyway, Ive finally got some confirmed dates of people coming to visit. Ivy, Del and Merv, can't wait to see u guys!!!

At Movix interpark - Rebels mate!
Oh yeah, last Wednesday, we went to the movies for the first time in Japan...ill let gem tell u the story lol.. O we also went to watch a movie on Wedsnesday, Miami Vice, the movie overall was ok, went for too long i fot. Our first movie experience in Japan, i was expecting something different but wen we got there besides from the snack everything else was quiet the same. Snacks were weird!! Curry flavoured popcorn, cheese cant remember the rest.. ewww curry!!! The cinemas was soo hot... for some reason japanese people dont like turning AC indoor, i nearly fainted from lack of air, but then mish let some out so i was fine, was toxified but at least i was still able to breathe. Oh someting else that i found super hilarious, its customed for japanese people to sit through the ENTIRE CREDITS after the show, absolutely no one moved until it was nearly ending CRAZY!!! the lights were still off and everything like the movie was still rolling. Most funny part i found was it was all in English no subtitles watsoever and none of the japz can read it so i dunno why they bothered to sit and watch it lol anywayz i took a photo of the credits rolling while waiting for it to end....
Ending credits to Miami ViceOrdered one of these and got 2 instead!!Fart Tally at Home

Monday, September 11, 2006


OMG we finally got our net back - thanks to me (Gem was no help what-so-ever!!)'s so good to be connected to everyone again~ So so soooo much has happened since we last updated! The main thing was my besttt friend Julia came to visit meeeee!!! =) Had a great time in Tokyo and an even better time in Utsunomiya hahah I'll let Gem fill you in when he comes back from work the meantime I'll try get some photos uploaded!!
Jules holding up a Starbucks Green Tea Frap exclusive to JapanNice Car eh?
Jules deciding where to stay hahaExpensive eh?graffiti
woo hoo! We're up and back!! its been sooo diificult living with no net the last month or so. The good thing was it made us get off our lazy asses and go mingle with the commoners and peasants of this place. SOoooo has happened, where to start?!?... we got paid so we not longer lived in poverty, (hence no more borrowing toliet paper from work), i caught a disease from the students at work and was sick as a dog for nearly a week, nd den mish caught it off me and was sick for a few days also. I did my first all niter karaoke session with the her teachers, singing and drinking from 12am to 6am non stop, i had to purchase a new camera cause mish broke my original one, julia came to visit for a week (thats a whole blog there just by itself), we went to tokyo and spent 3 days there, (in various accomodations, lol), we took heaps of photos, over 200!! (thinking if we should post em all up, will take forever to do!!) Also been trying to learn japanese too, and i actually understand what their trying to say, (sometimes). woo hoo! Mish and julz got their hair done while in Tokyo, (so look for the before and after shots in the photos) i also got my hair dyed (home job by mish) and got my ears pierced by julz (also home job) while she was here (ouch didnt know it would hurt so much). WHat else?! oh ONE OF MY HOTTEST STUDENTS TOLD ME I WAS HANDSOME whoaa (definitely main highlight of Japan), i went to a local jazz club and met some "interesting" old people. Then i got to get up and have a jam with them, which was kinda of embarrassing cause ive never played jazz in me life. Oh mish crushing julz when she rolled over and lyed on top of her when they were both sleeping. (julz can explain the story, funny as!!) o yeah, julz trimmed, cut and shaped my eyesbrows lol. The weekend passed i went on a blind date, and turns out her sister was MISS TOCHIGI and also MISS NORTHERN JAPAN 2005 whoaaa!!! soo much more i havent mentioned. Will keep updating on the previous months we've been netless as we find the time.

Do u think the toys look like Gem?Kiddyland
The LockupKaraoke
Julias dumbest comments in japan....

(when wanting to eat MOS burger on her last nite)..... hey!! i cant wait to eat "MOSES burger"

(when she tried to be funny and wrote a note on the "please comment on our service card" at MOS burger).... "i dont understand Japanese, here "IN" english version is what i think"... (BAD ENGLISH! worst than my japanese students)

"when you buy a box of one dozen eggs, how many eggs do you get?" (lol ok i made that last one up)

"since its raining outside, if i ride the bike with no umbrella would i get wet?" (haha i made dat up too but dats a typical julia comment)

in harajuku lolhahah in Shibuya
Going out wif julia was like going out wif a foreign exchange student, she didnt understand half the words we used, eg. shabby, ferris wheel, book, camera geez..

OH yeah and before I forget, THANKS JUNE AND LOZ for the stuff ya got us from AUST lol esp for the toilet paper =P