Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Double post today wow!

Linda and Joseph have left for Kyoto; the sound of their voices and laughter have started to dissipate slowly as well as the bad smell they brought along with them to our apartment as the days pass by. I think it’s been three days now. Wonder how they’re doing. So many people leaving us this week, it’s kind of putting me in a sadish mood just thinking about it. First Linda and Joseph, then Yuuko and within the next few months a bunch of teachers are going to be leaving with a new batch coming. nooo I like the group now, hope the next batch ain’t going to be pain in the asses. I HATE SAYING GOODBYES.

Anywayz as Mish mentioned we’re moving out of NOVA apartments. It’s been long overdue and wasn’t as hard as I had imagined, not speaking the lingo and all. Either my Japanese has improved or I over-estimated the difficulty of the situation. Went for a bike ride to find it before, it’s about a 10 minute bike ride from where we are now. Not so far but probably be far to walk there. The location of our new place was really easy to choose. Anyone that knows Mish enough knows of her addiction to SHOPPING! The only thing remotely great about our place is that it’s close to 2 major shopping centers, PARCO and TOBU. Besides from that its’ further for me to get to work, its’ further from the station, we’ll prob get less visitors due to its walking distance etc. grrr I’m quite happy with it though. Its’ really peaceful but still inner city.

Signed a one year housing contract yesterday morning, so I guess that means I’m going to be staying an extra year starting from March, a few months longer than my already intended extended stay, which was suppose to only be till December this year. My best mate Alain was happy to hear that. Geez that means I would have had lived in Japan for nearly two years. O wells loving it here and ain’t home sick whatsoever. Hopefully by the time I get back home I would have paid off my car loan, my HECS debt as well as finish studying my online course. It would be a great start to life in Oz again. Not sure when Mish is deciding to leave, it will definitely be before me though.

We’ve been busy the last week with Linda/Joseph and trying to entertain them. Hope we were good host and that they enjoy their time in Utsunomiya. Also went to a super delayed “New Year’s party” on Saturday night at an Italian restaurant. I have a Japanese language exchange friend here who invited me to it. 16 people, mostly Japanese who spoke broken English and the rest were all foreign who spoke Japanese quite well. I was quiet surprised by my listening and comprehension of the Japanese language, but my speaking skills needs major work! Sort of depressed and motivated me at the same time. Anyway Mish, Linda and Joseph ended up going to the same restaurant for dinner (to spy on me? Hmz). It was awkward seeing them at the other table. Although… Mish hasn’t accused me of trying to chat up any girls that night yet phew! Hiding in the corner really worked!! AND OH… for the first time in my life! Someone said to me, “Jeremy your sexy”, by one of the chicks there!! Definitely highlight of the night mate ….. The next night (Sunday) Yuko had another farewell party with close friends only. Another late night.

Mish is in Tokyo now, 3 days by myself. Finally I’m able to do all the things I’ve wanted at my own pace. One of the main reasons I came to Japan was to escape from my busy lifestyle back home. I was working full time, studying part time 3 nights a week, band practice every Thursday, the whole of Sunday devoted to church, piano lessons and all the other hours in between for Mish or my family. It was great coming to Japan for the first few months, no stress no worries, but I’ve realize everything I’ve tried to escape is catching back up with me again. Starting tomorrow I’ll be working full time and studying part time again, I’m currently also taking piano lessons here, trying to learn Japanese, spending heaps of time with Mish and soon I’ll be part of a band so practice sessions etc will start soon also. Gosh… I really hate how I have so many hobbies and want to accomplish so many things at the same time sometimes. But being busy as I will be, I think I’ll enjoy doing it all here while I’m in Japan compared to Australia. I can’t wait till Mish proposes to me so I can stay home and be a house-husband and pursue all my interests. C’mon MISH!! My time is running out.

After going to that café lounge thing in Daikanyama with the live music last week, the experience really reignited my burning desire to be in a band and make some quality music. I never thought I would ever be able to play in a band in Japan but to my surprise one of my student prepositioned me join his newly formed band last Friday. Obviously I said yes! I can’t wait till our first jam session. Apparently there’s a vocalist, guitarist, bass, drummer, pianist, saxophonist. Sounds perfect already! We’ll most likely be playing some Fusion, Jazz and maybe soft rock all being Japanese of course.

O its dinner time, hmz what should I make? Chicken or Beef cup noodle?

Bye Yuuko

Awww...yesterday was the last day I saw Yuuko...it was soooo sad...she bought gem and I presents and wrote us really touching going away letters and it made me cry when i read mine...she's my best friend here in Japan...I'm going to miss her sooooo much. Well I wish her all the best in Niigata..and we shall visit her there soon...

In Tokyo once again...spending time with my brother, James. Ivan's gone off to Osaka/Kyoto/Hiroshima etc. with Lil (she's so sweet!) and Daichi apparently...so I won't see him till next week. My dad will be arriving in Japan tomorrow. I'll go with James and pick him up from the airport. I'll have to go back to work on Thursday but it'll be a short week for me coz on Monday i'll be back in Tokyo again and going with my family to Hokkaido for the Snow Festival which should be really good. As Gem mentioned below, most probably going to miss out on seeing my cousins...i feel so bad...maybe ill go and visit you in Perth again some time soon..Towards mid feb ill be taking my dad around...maybe take him down to osaka and kyoto and hiroshima etc. still undecided...but i managed to get about 9 days off so that's sufficient time to do a lil travelling...

Oh guess what guess what? Jeremy and I are moving apartments hehe we should've moved along time ago...we would've saved alot more money if we did....Our new place is like half the size of the one we have now but it'll be alot more cosier i hope...as for the location...it's abit further from the station, but it's okay, coz we have bikes!! Going to move in around mid march. We're abit excited about it now.

Ok..im going to wake James up now. Usually I'd wake him up much earlier but i thought i'd let him have abit of a sleep in coz he was up till super late last night...playing with our new camera. It's so cool...takes really good shots...Here are some below...

P.S Hi GEM =) I miss you...hehe

Friday, January 26, 2007

Oompa Loompa is in the house

G’day peeps, how’s it going? Nothing much interesting has happened lately hence the delayed update. Little Linda and little Joseph are visiting at the moment. First time meeting Joseph, Linda’s new boyfriend. Nice guy, kinda reminds me of myself, two arms, two legs, human. Anyways just been occupied taking them around the place. Not much too see around here really, but luckily their laid back and don’t really care what we do.

I asked Linda to get me a toothbrush from Australia because the toothbrushes in Japan are so small!! The whole brush literally could only brush one tooth at a time. Anyways she ended up getting me five!! FIVE!! Even if I used all five toothbrushes at once I wouldn’t be able to use it all. (Hmz but that means I have less than 5 teeth now, Ok kinda exaggerated but c’mon) FIVE?! Dunno how im gonna use it all. Thanks anyway Little Linda.

Found out Odele, Cavell and Mervelle aint coming up to Utsunomiya anymore. On behalf of Mish I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Was looking forward to meeting you all too. O wellz. Hope u have fun when u come to Japan. Mish’s dad is coming in FEB so she’s gonna be on a few different trips to spend time with her family. Do you know what that means? I GET 3 WEEKENDS WIF NO MISH!! WOO HOO. Im gonna go wild!! Wear my left sock on my right foot, bike ride with thongs, turn the lights on during the day and eat cup noodles with a spoon. REBEL MATE!! Its only been the 25th day of 2007 and i've already broken my new years resolution, to practise piano everyday, geez i must say i have practised more than i usually would though but all that will probably change soon. The online course i signed up for is starting next Wednesday, gonna be a busy little bee. Can't be bothered going through all the assignments and exams again! arghhhhh

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Had a taste of home yesterday… was so great!! Felt like I was back home in Australia and like a tourist in Japan. Headed down to Tokyo, had no plans, was just going to be a relaxing laid back day. Ended going to quite a few different places though, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Daikanyama and Shibuya. The day started off with all you can eat yum cha slash Chinese food in Shinjuku. Although it wasn’t exactly Chinese and had a hint of Japanese style, it still tasted pretty dayem good! In Japan, restaurants used disposable wooden chopsticks which are about 3/4 size of a normal size chopstick, kinda like the ones you get when you buy two minute noodles. For some reason I couldn’t use chopsticks properly yesterday, everything was so slippery. And cause it was so long I couldn’t hold em properly.

All you can eat Yum Cha

Anywayz that aside, while we were in the restaurant we sat aside, (in my eyes), two perfect girls. On my left there was a chick that was soooooo gentle. When she sat down her ass was like a feather falling slowly towards the seat. When she moved or talked it was so soft and gentle. I have seen this kind of behavior for 5 years and so im not use to it. Usually chairs break when a certain someone sits down, and it’s like the sound of thunder when she speaks. To my right was the most patient girl ever! There was a feast displayed on her table but because her (I assume) bf was in the toilet she sat and waited patiently for like 10 minutes, hands on lad, not picking at the food or nothing. And then when she was eating it was so civilized. Chewing with her mouth closed and wiping her mouth at least once during the entire meal. She didn’t even wipe!! she dabbed it clean. Whoa these two girls were like angels compared to what was sitting opposite me.
Mish outside Namja TownHelping Julia's much cook in Vietnam
During the New Year period Mish made me buy some super tight pants. Wore them for the first time yesterday. I’m using to wearing “normal” sized clothes so it felt really strange. Felt like I was wearing no pants at all and the colour on my legs were just painted on. Pants were so tight at one stage after getting off the two hour train ride I thought the pants had cut off all circulation to my lower body. To top it off the pants were button upz! Took only 20mins to get out of and another 20 to button them back up every time I needed to twinkle in the little boy’s room.
TGI's mMmMBig fake smile
The night ended well. Went to Diakanyama to check out this little café with live music Mish, James, Ivy, Lorena and Julia went to last week. It was a nice place, very quiet and mellow. Ended up staying there about two hours and then back to Shibuya where we had TGI’s!! hmmz tasted EXACTLY the same and all the waiter’s spoke English. Really felt like being back in Donny minus the smell hahaThe tight pants

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Another day another 5 cents

It’s payday today!! Yay! It’s nice having more than 5000yen in me wallet. It might seem a little strange but I’ve only come to the realization of it being 2007 today. Yes 15th days after the New Year haha I wrote 2006 on the board in one of my kid’s classes today and one of the kids picked up on it. I felt like an idiot! Was watching the Nova kids while on lunch break today. They looked so happy and innocent, I would so love to be a kid again! To be able to eat and sleep, do nothing all day, not worry about a thing like money, what other people think, or be brand conscious etc o yeah and poo my pants Ahhhh not a worry in the world. In the words of Avenell “How lovely”! Speaking of Ave, haven’t spoken to him for months! How you been Ave? Been busy? U SNOB!

My new year’s resolution, I wanna practice the piano everyday! I wanna master the piano. Well not master but I want to be able to be good enough to compose me own songs. I’ve always wanted a grand piano in my house as well as build a music studio. No point having one if I can’t play any melodic instruments. But then again my finance’s will be controlled. Also if I’m lucky and do all the chores in the house for the rest of my life a certain someone might allow me to use my OWN money to build one. Sheshhh

There’s been so many people visiting or will be visiting. Linda, her bf, Mish’s three cousins as well as her dad are all coming within the next month. Whoa busy busy… It’s nice having visitors but unfortunately I’ve realized that everyone that’s coming will be here to specifically see Mish and not me! My family ain’t coming and I have no friends visiting. Even Julia Mish’s closest friend to me wasn’t here for me. Poor me!

Oh me best mate Alain-san got a new gf yesterday. Congrates dude. All his love affairs, love triangles and multiple gfs are finally over. Let me tell you, this guy was in high demand. He went to a singles party where there were 4 girls and just him being the only male!

A student asked me what Australian money was like last week. He asked me to list what notes and coins we have and I’m so ashamed to say this but I’ve actually forgotten what Australian money is like. I mean I haven’t been here that long, I can’t believe I can’t remember. Someone please refresh my memory, do we have a $20 note?

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thanks for visiting us girls...

I was in Tokyo again the last 2 days. I was lucky to have managed to accomplish a lot of things.

We (Yuuko, Julia, Lorena and I) left Utsunomiya early in the morning and when we arrived in Tokyo, we split up. Julia only has a few more days left here and wanted to make the most of them, so Lorena and Julia went to Ikebukuro Sunshine City whilst Yuuko and I did our thing. Started by dropping our luggage off at James’ place in Shinjuku and then went for lunch at this authentic Vietnamese Restaurant and we had ‘All-you-can-eat’!!! The food was not too bad but as with all, “All-you-can-eat’ restaurants you tend to indulge yourself and eat way too much. Anyway after that, Yuuko and I went to get our hair done. I got a well needed treatment and extensions!!! My hair is so long now but I like it hehe I think Julia is planning to get some too now..I can’t wait to see how it looks on her. After our haircut, we met up with James and Ivy and went shopping crazy again. Seriously when my brother is around I have no control what-so-ever. I bought another 5 pairs of shoes to add to the 4 I bought last week and bought a heap of clothes too…arghh…. Honestly, I’m not like this usually…especially when I shop with Jeremy. I think the reason is because I’m really indecisive, but when James is around he helps make decisions for me. Anyway after our shopping spree, we met up with the girls for Yakitori again. It was their first time and they totally loved it!!! =)

I woke up late unlike usual. James, Ivy and I went shopping again in Shibuya and then walked to Daikanyama. We wanted to eat at this Tofu restaurant but unfortunately it was closed so we ate at the restaurant next door which was crap. It was my first time to Daikanyama so it was quite exciting for me.

Nice and purple togetherMr. Friendly hehe

I was surprised that it was so close to Shibuya yet it was quite deserted. I like it there, it’s quiet and peaceful yet with enough small boutiques selling unique things to do shopping to keep you occupied and small cafes and restaurants to relax and have a meal. Stayed in Daikanyama until Julia and Lorena arrived at like 5pm, this was to be our last meet up. We walked around a bit and then found our way to this little latte art café. I loved it there, the drinks were great and there was live music too!! The girl singing and playing the piano there, Tomomi, she was so good I bought 3 of her CD’s hehe…

my cappucinoJules and I with Tomomi

After that, we said ‘BYE BYE TO JULIA AND LORENA’ and headed back to Shinjuku to pack our stuff and James and Ivy followed me home to Utsunomiya where we met up with my other half back home. We were starving and so we had gyoza, fried rice and ramen for our very late dinner downstairs.

Thanks for comingCool seaweed

James pigging out on fried rice and gyozas

James and Ivy will be spending perhaps 2 nights here before heading back to Tokyo. Next week Ivan, Linda and Joseph are coming and the week after Del, Merv, Cav and my Dad. My next few weeks are going to be really busy. I’m trying to get time off work mid Feb to spend with my Dad…but I still don’t know where to take him hehe…

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

ahhh peace and quiet

It’s sooo sooo quiet now…. Mish, Lorena and Julia have left for Tokyo today. It’s just me at home for the next three days woo hoo, finally some resting time. As much as I enjoyed Lorena’s and Julia’s company the last few days, it’s nice for things to go back to normal. It’s 3.30pm atm and the sun is already setting. It gets so dark so quickly here in winter, makes the day go so slow. I’ve done jack all today, so much cleaning and unpacking to do still from last weeks’ trip.

AHHHHH Me ears’ bleeding like crazy now, just accidentally ripped me earring out of my ear AGAIN!! Every time Julia comes she puts a new hole in my body, Julia pierced my other ear last week, this time the overall piercing experience wasn’t as bad as last time but the after effect has been killing me. Don’t know why I keep accidentally yanking it out. Anyways, I’m hungry now and there’s no one to cook or to go buy me food hehe Julia was quiet useful while she was here, we maximized her time here by making her pay our bills and buy things for us such as toothpaste, phone cards etc while we were at work haha

Got a complaint from one of the students at work before the Xmas break I thought I’ll share with everybody. Most ridiculous thing ever!! My AT had to pull me aside one day to tell me that one of the parents of one of the kids that I teach, said that her child felt sick after sniffing my hair wax from class one day and would appreciate it if I could change my hair products lol I never thought you could go wrong with GATSBY.

Oh another thing that annoyed me just before the Xmas / New Year break. At my workplace (which is a shopping mall), I’ve been eyeing this jacket for 2 months that I totally love but thought it was too expensive so I have been waiting for it to be on sale. Those who have seen me know I’m quiet “big bone” haha and compared to the Japanese guys here I’m like Jenny Craig material, so I figured no one will buy this jacket because NO ONE WILL FIT IT! Anyways just before Xmas I finally committed to buying it at the non-saled price and to my surprise IT WAS GONE!!! I thought I was the only fatty in Utsunomiya, little did I know there’s another fatty stealing all my clothes here. Geeez maybe I’ll see him at Maccas one day.

Friday, January 05, 2007


9 days away you would think I would now be experiencing total relaxation reaching my inner chi, but I’m totally exhausted! It’s good to be home. Back to the countryside, nice and quiet and non-populated.

Places we visited within the Xmas-New Year break;
Namba's nightlife


Bucketing down in Shinsaibashi
Streets of Umeda - Central Osaka
Osaka Aquarium

Outside the Aquarium
Osaka Castle

Osaka CastleIt was CLOSED though
A few famous temples (forgotten the names)
Golden Pavilion
Its made of real GOLD *Kaching*

Tokyo – Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku.

*sings* I’m not a man, not yet a woman…. Gosh… spending a few days with 3 girls in one hotel room I can honestly say I’ve experience womanhood. If you thought one girl took long to get ready, try 3!! And why the hell do girls take 7 years to get out of a toilet? Well the first toilet waiting experience I had was an exception I guess since Julia dropped her train pass in the toilet bowl and had to pick it up ewwwwwwww… poo fingers!!! And den Lorena did the exact same thing the next day!! OMG!! Maybe it’s a honkie thing?

Anywayz mish and I arrived in Osaka Namba first and spent two days shopping and just roaming the place, it was nice but very busy. Lorena was second to arrive and then Julz the on the same day. It was a strange experience when I saw Julz for the first time in 3 months. She said I went skinnier hehe and then she gave me a hug. I feel strange when she hugged me; I’ve never been hugged by a man before.

Julia was such a show off during the trip. Every morning after mish annoyed everyone and tried to wake us all up at 7am!! Julia would get out of bed showing off all the different colored rainbow jocks she had. The first morning was RED, the second RAINBOW, GREY and the last night was WHITE with a smudge of brown. Lol

Anyways we did so many things, maybe mish or Julia can update you more with all the other details in between. We spend New Years in Osaka and headed down to Tokyo where we did some extreme shopping. Super sale now in Japan, it was CRAZY!?!?! Worst than when we went to Tokyo dome. I’m totally broke now. Going through all the shops looking for bargains I felt like a refugee fighting for food off the aid truck.

Julia: I would like to clarify some of Gem's coMMents:
I DID NOT stick my hand into the toilet bowl! my card only fell on the floor next to the bowl! The rainbow and red jocks i have to admit that was true but not the white one with bRown Smudge! >_<
btw Gem, I came to visit U too!