Monday, October 22, 2007


SAD SAD SAD!!! It's all ending. 95% of the teachers in our area have decided to stop working since we haven't been paid for last months work. It doesnt seem like we will either. No teachers working, mean schools can't operate. By the end of this week all but 2 schools will close in our area. Those schools that will stay open will have no more than 1 teacher yikes! And so Mish's official last day at work was on Sunday, mine will be this coming Thursday. The majority of teachers will go back to their home country next week since many can't afford to hang around unemployed, and the japanese staff will probably also be returning to their hometowns far far away. Its soooo sad!!!!! And because of the sudden closures there hasnt been any chance to say goodbye to all the students. I feel sorry for the students as well. The teachers are losing about 2-3 grand in wages but some of the student are losing so much more than that since NOVA has a prepaid system for lessons. I talked to one student last week and she had 6k worth of lessons paid up front that she wont be taught or getting refunds for. Anyways goodbye parties are happening all this week. Makes me wanna cry!!!

Mish and i will still hang around in Japan though. I'm doing part time work elsewhere at the moment so surviving won't be a problem. It'll just be tight. I guess life will be back to being a university student budgeting and heaps of free time. I think it'll be a good break though but it'll be very lonely since the people we know here will significantly decrease. Not many people to hang out with.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nova's situation is worstening day by day. We've been hearing about NOVA in the news/internet a lot recently and receiving unprofessional and uninformative faxes from the CEO as pay day on the 15th Oct slowly approaches. I was talking to some fellow workmates yesterday and we came to the conclusion that the future looks grim for NOVA. Now we're kind of just working voluntarily and morale at work is low at most branches. I'm only going to work for 2 reasons, the poor students who probably won't get their money back if NOVA closes and the poor Japanese staff that have to deal with the problems if we Toppatsu. Honestly, I don't think we'll get paid on the 15th, but if by some chance a miracle does happen, we might get paid on the 19th, but i highly doubt that...

A few days ago, the Australian government issued a warning to us to have a contingency plan. Jeremy and I are lucky we'll still be able to survive if NOVA doesn't pay come pay day but I feel sorry for new instructors some of which have only been in Japan a few weeks and instructors with families - they've probably got it the worst!!

So, if NOVA doesn't pay on the 15th Oct, should I go into work on the 16th? That's the big question on a lot of instructor's minds at the moment who are still working for NOVA. I'm still undecided and I think Jeremy is too...*sighs* ...nevertheless i think there'll be a huge strike nationwide. I'm anxious to know our fate. Fingers crossed we'd either get paid or NOVA declares bankruptcy so we we're entitled for unemployment from the government right away. Worst case scenario - NOVA just drags this which case, if we quit, we won't be entitled for unemployment for a while....


Ok enough about NOVA! I've been hanging out with Miki a lot lately. She's probably the closest friend I have here now. Last week we went to Tokyo to get our hair done together. We spent over 4 hours in the hair salon. I know it's shocking but at least u can say at least we kind of got our money's worth. I got my hair cut (more like a trim), coloured (a brownish colour with pink tones which some people can see and some people can't haha) and I got treatment too!!! The hairdresser curled my hair with a curling tong and I thought it kind of looked cool on me, so I was thinking of buying a Babyliss or a GDH straightener (coz u can curl ur hair with a straightener). I heard from June she bought a GDH and according to her 'it was a good investment' lol..Anyway ill think about it when I get back to Melb, I dunno if they sell it here...and if they did I wouldn't know where get it...perhaps i'd have to go to Tokyo.

Next week if we get paid, Jeremy and I will be going to Tokyo again and probably stay the night there. Even thought I went with Miki last week I didn't buy anything so next week I hope to update my wardrobe with some new winter pieces and dresses. The weather has kind of cooled down a bit especially at night. Since I took most of my clothes back to melb in June I'll have to buy a new batch of clothes from scratch again. I like shopping. Wait, let me rephrase that, I LOVE shopping, but...I'm so indecisive!!! I need someone to help me decide, someone I can trust, someone with the same taste as me...ahhh so difficult!! Well I know the look I want for this winter so shouldn't be too hard, hopefully.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Honeymoon stage: OVER!!

Yesterday was me and me best mate's last day working together. It's not gonna be the same without him. Actually my branch have lost 4 teachers in the last month or so. First it was Karl who transferred up North, then it was Neil and Helen who went back home and now it's Alain turn who's just gotten another job, since NOVA is so insecure at the moment. Good luck to em all! The Bell Mall group dynamic was so great too, now with all the new teachers it's a little strange. Actually theres new teachers everywhere up here now, (THE ORIGINAL GROUP IS GONE!!) but at my branch at the moment there are 3 girls and one old dude, making me the official number one STUD of BELL MALL!!! Unfortunately it wasn't through a student election or anything but more a natural flow of status since Alain's gone and me being the only guy under 55 years old. Also with him gone it also makes me the most experienced instructor there, with 1.5 years of experience which just means i'll be doing everything arghhh

With the original crew of when i started gone, everyday is beginning to feel like actual work. It use to be like hanging out with mates, piss farting around at the office. I actually use to look forward to going to work everyday, now i dread it like every other job i've had. My motivation to conduct good lessons have also gone down. I think it's a sign that my teaching time is Japan is up. Even the original students are slowly dissappearing as the weeks go by. SADNESS!!!

Anyways good news is AKIRA (my stalker) hasn't attempted to contact me anymore, PHEW!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Is this the beginning of the end?

Salary payments for NOVA teachers usually fall on the 15th of each month, so far this month NOVA has been late to pay all of their teachers. They apologised for the late payment and inititally promised payment on the 19th of September, the 19th comes and still many teachers weren't paid. A fax was then sent out by the CEO saying that salary payments will come on the 21st. The 21st comes and still no payment. Another fax is sent out that gurantees payment on the 25th... and you know what? today is the 25th and NOVA have no yet paid some of their teachers. Empty promises mate. Apparently they promised salary payment to be tomorrow. Somehow i don't think it'll happen. Japanese staff are suppose to be getting paid on the 27th . I don't think they'll be getting paid either. Looks like me and mish will be out of a job soon, which means we'll be coming back really soon if the situation gets worst... NooOOoOOOoOOOooooo

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Pink Bunnie going DOWN!!!

wadup ya'll.... it's been a while since we posted. Sorry ya'll... we've been kind of busy with a few teacher going back home recently and their goodbye parties etc. Also i haven't been able to find any energy to fund brain power since mish keeps eating all MY FOOD!! i stock up supplies for when im hungry late at night and can't be bothered going to 7/11 only to find everything has been eaten when i go to look for it!! and then to find the wrappers in the bin sneakly hidden at the bottom of the bag. i'm having to start hiding my food when i buy em now, MISH BUY YOUR OWN FOOD!!!

Anyways all hell is starting to break loose in Japan. I don't know if you've heard but the Age posted an article in the paper about NOVA's situation at the moment. For the last 3 months or so NOVA hasn't been paying their Japanese staff on time as well as the rent owed to the landlords. Many teachers have been kicked out of their NOVA apartments and many have jump boat since this month they haven't paid for the month of August. If NOVA goes down we'll be making an earlier trip home than planned. Every NOVA staff is shit worried at the moment, except MISH!

Teachers called in sick last week on strike due to this and what's MISH's reply? "lets call in sick tomorrow too and go shopping in Tokyo!" i have friends struggling to stay alive with no money for food and rent and all mish is worried about is shopping. geez typical. Her other response to this situation, "I hope NOVA closes, so then we can move to Tokyo then i can go shopping everyday and not work", what kinda gay ass spoilt brat response is that eh? Mish, never a worry in the world as usual. I hope they hold out for everybody's sake - students, teachers and staff. I hope my friends dont get kicked out of their apartment too! Where will they go? i will have to shelter them like refugees!

More breaking news. I went to lunch with some female teacher friends last week. It was so nice to be eating with civilized unbarberic people!! They ate slowly, chewed with their mouths closed, didn't have rice hanging in random places on their face like THEIR FOREHEAD! They ate just enough, didn't go for seconds and didn't even look twice at the dessert bar at the buffet restaurant trying to get their money's worth. I didn't understand this behavior. i haven't been in such a presence for some time now. It felt strange.

Friday, September 07, 2007


Bob's and various versions of it are so in fashion here in Japan...everyone seems to be wearing one around here...if only i suited short hair i would so go for the chop...!! i think it looks so cool and cute~ Actually should i get one since i have a problem with split ends? but it really emphasizes ur eyes and i don't think i want my eyes to be anymore emphasized...they are strange enough...but if i was to get one, it'd prolly b similar to the 2nd pic but with straight messy hair and fully volumized....

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

O sashi buri desu ne

Tokyo Jpop CafeLine outside Kripy Kreme in Shinjuku!!!Live music
Karl's farewell party!
Some pics from last month...enjoy! Recently I've Been preparing for my vtac application for DipEd next year (thanks ivy, tim and tom for helping)...and also been doing some research for Linda with her preparations for her big day!!! =) I might be going to tokyo next week with miki to get our hair done again and maybe pick up a few new clothes for autumn/winter....the weather is starting to cool down a little bit...but it's still quite humid...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

i love nagase tomoya!!!

i love himmmmmmmm!!!I just finished watching a Japanese drama called "MY BOSS MY HERO" it's soooooooooo goood!!! Nagase Tomoya is so cute and funny in this movie!!! The plot of the movie is basically about a 27 year old yakuza (Nagase Tomoya) who is sent back to school to graduate so he can take over his dad's position as boss!!!

I've always been into K-dramas and have never really watched many J-doramas until now...I'm really getting into them...especially after watching '1 LITRE OF TEARS' last month...its based on a true story and it's so dayem sad!!! ...and I watched my first anime ' BLEACH' which was good too!!!

I highly recommend these shows!!! You won't be disappointed~ =)


pics from karaoke the other day...

I have my own stalker!!!!!

update on the Akir* situation. Today i got one of the japanese staff (Keiko) to call him and tell him that i was not back yet since he was calling me today. He dragged the conversation out for about 5 minutes. After the convo Keiko told me that he kept insisting that "jeremy IS back in Japan", saying that he wants to meet me!! OMG is he thick or what? Keiko was saying he was really strange and yet i haven't even told her anything about what's been happening. 10 minutes later Keiko comes in and asked me what his name was. So i replied "Akir*", then she gave me this look of horror and said "this afternoon an akira dude rang our office and booked a trial lesson for this sunday and said that he wanted to meet you". HE'S COMING TO MY WORKPLACE TO FIND ME NOW....OMG OMG OMG!!! i wonder if he's been stalking me all this time, if not then why was he so sure i was still in JAPAN. im totally freaked out now. i've only met him twice, WHY IS HE SO OBESSESSED WITH ME?!?!?! i'm sooooo horrified and shocked, Keiko suggested that i do a swap and work at a different branch that day. But i was thinking NOVA wouldnt let me do it. But then apparently the staff got worried and rang my manager. He offered me a swap after a series of questions of how i know him etc to assess the situation since they was a recent killing of a NOVA teacher from a strange ass stalker. i'm soooo paranoid now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways after work i went to Alains house to have some cake. I came home pretty late and was thinking mish might be worried about me since my phone was on silent and didnt realise. I walk in the door and the first thing she says to me in her squeaky gay ass voice is "where's the cake?, did you bring me back any cake"?!

Friday, August 10, 2007


OH NO!!! AKIRA IS BACK!! yes the wierd ass dude whose house i went to not long ago, that basically wants to meet me everyday and can't take no for an answer. arghhhh I told him i was going to Australia and won't be coming back til june 29th night. June 30th morning he was calling me non stop for like 2 hours and then every hour after that. Finally i got my japanese friend to tell him i was still in Australia and wont be coming back til mid August. Just now i accidentally answered the phone from a strange number...and he was like "jeremy"? arghhhhh but then i played dumb and pretended like the phone had bad connection and kept repeating "hello, helloooo, helllllloooo", it's been an hour and he still hasnt stopped calling OMG!!! It's fully killed my phone battery, I turned my phone off for like 30 mins, turned it back on and then i got 15 missed call sms's!

the sms's displayed his miss calls at, 8:48, 8:50, 8:51, 8:52, 8:53, 8:55, 8:56, 8:58, 9pm, 9:06, 9:09, 9:10, 9:13, 9:15, 9:16, 9:18 etc etc up to 9:42 WHO THE HELLS CALLS THAT MUCH!!!

piss off you crazy person!!! i'm trying to figure out how to bar his number so he can't call through but it's a little difficult from the phone going off every MINUTE!!! lucky i didnt tell him where i lived!! I hope to god he doesn't come to my workplace, that would be tragic!!

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Landmark TowerMinato Mirai 21Felt like Christmas..
Had a fun filled weekend exploring Yokohama for the first time. I must say it wasn't as good as I expected it to be. Maybe my expectations were too high from everyone raving on about it. Chinatown was pretty good i thought, it even smelt like China, (well i haven't been to china so i wouldn't know exactly but it smelt like Julia's house and that'll be my point of reference). Anyway, it's quite futuristic especially around Minato Mirai 21. Mainly just did the usual, abit of sightseeing and shopping.
Night view with biggest ferris wheel i thinkUp the top of Landmark TowerIt's mooncake season! Yummm...

The thing I liked best about Yokohama would have to be the food =P Jeremy and I kinda went on a eating spree...but it's ok, we did alot of walking to make up for it hehe...especially looking for a hotel to stay at....went to about 5 hotels and they were fully booked?!?!!? Well i guess it is summer vacation season here....Yokohama ChinatownIn the fancy restaurant we had yumcha at...One of the biggest Chinatown's in the world?Set lunch for meTop it off with dessertand set lunch for gem

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Miki's (choco) boobs violated photobucket's rules!! LOL

G’day ya’ll!!! It’s been a bad day at the Pham residences today. Mish’s bike got stolen and I popped my back tire on the way back from work. It’s gonna be like 1765 again for us having to walk everywhere tomorrow, in the super humid weather too!

Yesterday was the annual Utsunomiya festival, Mish, Alain and I headed down to go for a wander and to get something to munch on for the night’s tea. We ended up with some noodles, fried chicken, buttered potato, Japanese pancakes, desserts and ice cream. What a FEAST! We chowed it down whilst watching die hard 4.
Orion DoriSome cute little girl in her yukataCute old with the biggest cheek ever!
Alain buying some kinda buttered potato...yuk!Two chicks in their yukata...pretty!!I don't know what they are doing but they look like their really into it haha
Gem and IBumped into Luke and AliYuuko and I at that yummy thai restaurant...
The other night we also feasted on some Thai food with little Yuko, Mish loved it, but isn’t it the same with all foods? She ended up devouring 60% of what was on the table. She would have eaten the display flower and the dirty tissues if i hadn’t stopped her. What an ANIMAL!!

Our weekends’ coming up, YAY!! We’ll be heading down to YOKOHAMA for two days, (yups Mish to shop and me to be the human shopping cart).

We’ve also heard some SUPER EXCITINGGGGGGG NEWSSSS but we have not yet sure if we have the permission and authority to disclose it. Keep checking and we’ll keep you posted. Only hint is Mish is super jealous of this person and I’m getting a major headache from Mish complaining everyday about it!!! HELP!

Next week we’ll be going on another weekend away, this time with Miki. The initial plan was to climb FUGI SAN but Alain pulled out and with Miki and Mish who ain’t so excited about going on a 15hour hike up a mountain and back, I’ve decided to cancel it!! Unambitious little turds!!

Oh and I’ve also quit piano school!! The fee system sucked big time. They expected me to pay for lessons for the month I was back in Melbourne when I had already given them advanced notice and to also pay for lessons that don’t occur when the teacher calls in sick. What kind of gay ass system is that? So in my disarray I pulled the plug!! “Zannen desu ne, (what a pity)”, is what they said, yes pity indeed, NOT!!

Next poker game is in two weeks Yay!! Not so confident about this next one coming up because they all know what I have up my sleeve. I shall try my best
Move over 7/11, our nearest convinient store...Family Mart!!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Thunder and lighting outside now! One minute the sun's out, the next it's raining. The guys were supposed to shoot up some fireworks tonight but because of the weather, I don't think it's going to happen till next week!

Shouki's Birthday Dinner last night...Present to gem from miki lol they're chocolates!!
Some topics in the today's news:
* FUKUOKA -- A department store has sold a box of rare mandarins for a staggering 105,000 yen (~$1000).
* East Japan Railway Co. (JR East) intends to develop a new bullet train with a top speed of 320 kilometers per hour for its Tohoku Shinkansen Line

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oh i forgot to write about the first real earthquake i experienced. I was teaching some time last week when suddenly the table started shaking, so i looked at my student strangely thinking she was shaking the table when in true fact it was actually an earthquake! When i finally realised what it was, i was a little freaked out but it was a cool experience. Buildings in Japan are built to withstand earthquakes and shake/sway when they happen kinda to absorb the force of it...hard to explain...but yeah it was a pretty big quake, especially up in Niigata...I have a friend up in Niigata. Lucky for her and her family, the earthquake didn't affect them.
Here are some photos taken the last few days...

Assorted watermelons in Shibuya: square shaped, heart shaped u name it!Our long awaited pic of our snazzy apartment...we live on the top floor =)Yours truly

On Monday I met up with Yuuko again in Tokyo. We went shopping the whole day and grabbed some extreme bargains. I ended up buying 2 dresses, 1 skirt, 1 pullover one piece thingymajiga, 2 jeans, 5 t-shirts, earrings, a ring, and 3 tops for gem and it didn't cost me a fortune coz everyting was practically 50-70% off except for the jeans...i love everything i bought. Yuuko bought heaps too...but more worky/feminine stuff...mine were more casual...anyways fun fun day and i even got to eat those yummy eggy ramen noodles at Shibuya...mMmmm...EGGSsss!!!! =)
Oh and getting into the whole facebook thing now...but i still dont know how to use it...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Remember me?

Yeah im still updating even tho ever so infrequently =P going to try the good pizza shop now everyone recommended...will continue this when i get back!

Wadup bizz snitches! It’s been a long time since the last update. We haven’t been doing much so there wasn’t so much to write I guess. We’ve only been working a lot to make up for the swaps we did for Australia. I’ve just I finished my long stretch. 14 days nonstop working is a long time I tell ya. How ya’all doing? I’ve heard snippets from Mish that there’s holiday plans for Loz soon, Julz will go back to Australia and also a holiday for the end of the year and June’s job thing. Update me please! Tim’s arrived in Japan. I haven’t had much of a chance to go see him yet. He’s settling in ok he tells me and already has a job at NOVA lined up… Good luck pal!

I played poker on the weekend with me NOVA mates… it was a 5000 yen buy in ($50). We started at 8:30pm and didn’t finish until 4am. By the time I got back home the sun was out and I had to work the next day too!! 8 hours of poker whoaa it was worthwhile though because I came 2nd and won 10,000 yen woo hoo. I losted the first time we ever played a few months back and so everyone underestimated me this time around and used that to my advantage muahaha At the first game I assumed it was only going to be a laid back game with everyone piss farting around so I didn’t concentrate, but only to find out when money is involved, shit starts to stir and people change! At the game just pass, again hostile personalities started to show, a lot of bitching, anger and even tears were present. It wasn’t a good place to be I tell ya, especially when it’s from people you least expect.

Friday, July 06, 2007

i love my IPOD!!!!

I had the most amazing self reflection relaxation time in the world yesterday!!! As usual I went to teach private lessons, only to find out my student cancelled on me at the last minute and because it was pissing down I was too lazy to ride back home and then back again for the next student. So I had two hours to myself waiting in a room with nothing to do. With the IPOD on, I stood by the window staring at nothing from the sixth floor for about an hour. I didn’t even realize I had stood there for so long. I was totally alone, in my own world, without a worry in the world. It was the best feeling ever. I think the music from the POD played a major part; music plays an ENORMOUS part in my life. I can’t even find the words to describe how good it felt. I don’t think I’ve ever achieved such total relaxation before. After that hour, still in my own world, I started observing the people, the cars, cats, people on their bikes riding by, people in their garden, houses and apartments as well as the way the rain was falling on the trees, the leaves and in the puddles. A million random thoughts ran through my mind. I started to think, “where that guy going?”, “it must be so boring to be a cat eh?”, “these people I’m seeing for the first time will probably also be the last time I’ll ever seen them again in my life”, “this past year has gone really fast”. It was “really” strange.

Being back in Australia last month, having sufficient money to survive, not having to work and having no worries whatsoever yet I couldn’t get this same feeling when I was there. Being back home wasn’t what I expected it to be. I don’t know if it’s my house, my surroundings or whatever but my mindset jumped back a year and it was like I never went to Japan and it was all just a dream. It was a terrible feeling. It felt like I had lost a year of my life when in actual fact i have gain heaps. Having been back to Japan and going to LIAM’s and ANGELA’s goodbye party, it really made me rethink about relationships. While I was back home I thought to myself, “if I quit right now I would never see my Japanese students again EVER”, I don’t totally adore my students but I don’t know why it started to make me really sad. I think if anything, Japan has made me learn to treasure friends and those around me more and become a better friend and person to others.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Linda after landing on the shores of Australia from IndiaTrying to gobble the entire cakeI met her at Monash, I was really shy when I met her knowing that Mish had shared many things about our relationship with Linda. We met outside the main library; I struggled to see Linda’s appearance properly that day because so many people were walking by and all I could see were pairs of knee caps; a quick glimpse of Linda’s face before another a few pairs of knee caps passed by covering her face again haha And what did we do after we first met? Naturally we went to the food court and ate!

(Michelle) Yang

Which brings me to Yang. I met Linda and Yang on the same day and place. Yang had (and still does) really bright red cheeks. It’s like she has a tomato for a head at times when she’s blushing. What struck me about Yang was at the canteen she ordered only (I think it was) steamed carrots and that was all she had for lunch, no sauce, no dressing no nothing. I didn’t realize she was a vegetarian and thought she was either really povo or just weird haha I mean who has just carrots for lunch? Not in my world up till then anyways. Yang was a rare breed because she was the first vegetarian I met. To date I think I’ve met Yang less than 15 times, but our many special outings (e.g GOR) and verbal harassments every time I go to put a piece of meat in my gob have made us amigos.


Last but not least, ”The Empress!” My first thoughts when I saw her, “she’s got some weird ass eyes”, “her facial feature combinations make her look like an outer space creature”, when she smiled at me for the first time and tried acting all cute, I cringed!! (Immediate thought), “OMG I feel sorry for whoever becomes her boyfriend in the future, poor bastard!” and LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!! They say bad people get punished which fair enough, BUT WHAT DID I DO!@!? Putting aside the bossing, food restrictions and occasional beatings I love this chick to death, (prob more that she loves shopping, gosh is that even possible?) Probably marry her one-day when she decides to proposes to me. As I’ve told many people, I’m already suffering as it is, why would “I” propose and put my life into endless years of sufferance?!

what the hell is this haha

Ahh so many memories with you guys, from throwing up on Mish, Linda curling my hair, our weekend trips, all the birthdays parties, balls, clubbing and meals we’ve had together, starting from being strangers to you guys (in your own mind thinking I’m your) best friend. Good times!